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Skids (DayZ)

Could I run Dayz Mod?

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This is my graphics card, first one is my desktop, second one is my laptop




Edited by Skids

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I'm gonna say.... I think you'd struggle. What's the GFX card for the laptop? Are they both the same? Or what?

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Well I asked about GFX but while we're on it I'm pretty sure that CPU speed is under the minimum requirements.

Best bet though is to click that link that InsideDreamer provided you and let that site test your system for Arma2.

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can you give us you're computers specs?

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Get the Arma2 demo, I believe it is slightly harder on your system than Arrowhead. Might give you a better idea. DayZ is harder still I think.

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I'm running it on my laptop with everything on the lowest possible in 640x480 resolution.

Looks horrible & I get around 15-30FPS with the occasional FPS choke, but it's playable.

My specs:

Pentium Dual Core CPU T4300 @2.1GHz

3gig ram

Ati Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series

So if your pc is any worse than that, trust me you won't be able to run it.

I don't know what is up with the ARMA2 engine, but it analy rapes any pc with a 20inch strapon.

I recently bought a new desktop, I can run pretty much any game on highest detail as of now, yet ARMA2 still requires me turn some shit down because else I'm sitting on 15FPS on that machine aswell.

EDIT: And yes, DayZ is alot harder on your system than anything in arma2/arma2OA is. On my desktop, when I load chernarus in the arma2 armory I can go around on it with 130FPS, while in a dayz game I only getg 60-80FPS with the same settings (on my desktop).

Edited by chaR

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Even my Radon HD 4850 1GB Card struggled with anything above "medium".

Just got a nice 6870 that's running high @ 1080P quite well. Tried moving it up to "Ultra fuck off" settings, but it seems to lag a little too much for me.

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You will not be able to play this game with any of the intel family graphics chips. Sorry, just not going to be possible.

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Since you are not exactly specific...

i try to rephrase.

Dayz Team has posted some system requirements for computer to run the game.

Here is a link to their statement.. http://support.dayzm...ayarticle&id=15

I guess you can go with the Operation Arrowhead Demo before you even think about buying the ARMA2 and Operation Arrowhead expansion. This link the Demo for Operation Arrowhead http://store.steampo....com/app/33930/

There are programs to monitor your fps. ( Frames Per Seconds ) - for example http://www.fraps.com/

FPS can be used as indication of how well the game is performing on your machine.


>:( 10 fps game will be stuttering as fook

:( 20 fps will feel strange but playable

:thumbsup: 30++ fps are considered acceptable

The nicer you want the game to look, the more it needs to calculate.

Some guy made an excellent compilation of video options that cover both nvidia and ati graphic cards ( GFX / GPU )

Here is the link: http://www.dayzpvp.c...d-tweaks-guide/

really tried hard not to be insulting - but if you cannot manage to compare the system requirements of the game to your system, you will have trouble to get the mod installed,

and if you get it installed, you gonna have a hard time connecting to a server and play the game smoothly. I almost guarantee in that case: You will come back and ask questions that already have been covered and waiting for responses on the forums although search would have served you very well, posting question marks... And that's when i am gonna hunt you down on whatever server you are and beat you to death with your own flashlight.

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This is my graphics card, first one is my desktop, second one is my laptop




basically you dont have a graphics card.

if you can play it, it will not play well.

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