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Invincibility Hack?!?!

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So last night me and my 3 buddies were playing, sorry I don't remember the server number we were on for a few hours and I rage quit didn't look at it. Anyway we were pretty well off, two of my friends had M14 and I had a FAL and another an AKM. We were set on food and medical supplies long hours had finally payed off. We decided to go into Cherno to raid a few more buildings and we also wanted a fight because that usually happens there anyway . After getting chased by zombies me and my two friends equipped with an AKM FAL and M14 hunkered down in a building watching the doors and being alert for anyone till our other friend made it back to were we where. Than out of no where a gillie suited guy with I believe a bolt action of some sort and possible another primary that he switched to came running up to the door shot my friend but it took two shots and my friend managed to go through almost his whole mag on full auto on the guy and he still didn't go down didn't even faze him and by then me and my other friend were firing at the guy. He keeped popping in and out of the door I Qed and keeped firing at him watching about every bullet connect same with my buddy I went through 16 rounds of the FAL and 90% hit him at very CQ range and still nothing. Me and my friend end up with broken legs about to die and the guy runs around the whole building and shoots at us killing my friend but I managed to get off another 10 rounds at chest level to the guy and he didn't even drop, he wasn't even bleeding. This is the second time on two different servers me and my friends have encountered something like this and honestly it's retarded. Before anyone says oh you missed you noobs or some crap I can assure you I couldn't of missed and the FAL is and 1 shot to kill in the chest and the guy took about a total of 20 rounds to the chest from just me and I saw out of 26 shots fired 20 confirmed hits as well as my friend. All I'm saying is if that would of been and ordinary player we would of blown him off the face of the earth.

Edited by GingesKon

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Yup, I encountered this hack last night. Post every time you encounter one. Keep these issues fresh and active until something is done or an official solution/change is announced.

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Will do ya this guy was totally hacking and to be honest these hacks are gonna ruin the game because I don't wanna go out spend hours of scavenging raiding military barracks to just get wrecked by a hacker.

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Will do ya this guy was totally hacking and to be honest these hacks are gonna ruin the game because I don't wanna go out spend hours of scavenging raiding military barracks to just get wrecked by a hacker.

Pretty much everybody feels this way. As far as I know, nothing has been proposed or announced regarding a fix for these issues. The rampant hax are a byproduct of Arma2's shitty multiplayer code. The best thing to do is to keep one tent centrally located and keep a duplicate of your gear in it. That way when you're unfairly killed, you can unfairly restore yourself to pre-bullshit.

If you don't know how to dupe your current gearset into a tent, PM me and I will fill you in. I strongly encourage that you only use this as a hax-death restore plan, though. Duping tons of shit takes all the fun out of the game, as you aren't forced to interact with cities/zombies/players.

As I've said many other places - if I didn't die to hax at least once per day, I wouldn't dupe my setup. I am against all forms of exploiting and hax. However, I am even more against being fucked out of hours of progress for no reason.

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Yep, seen it multiple times in the last few days. Snuck up on a sniper on one occasion and unloaded two clips on him at point blank before he realized I was even there, then he casually turned around and shot me. Three friends and I died and had our bus blown up by one guy on another occasion. I'm sure it was compelling gameplay for the hackers.

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it hasnt stopped.. the invincibility hack has only gotten worse. i find at least 1 invincible guy a day now... i thoroughly test this by dumping full clips into their upper bodies... this hack is a true game killer. i love dayZ but this is the worst.

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