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Stary Sobor "massacre"

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I was at Stary Sobor, scouting the area before going in, I just waited there, no one to be seen, and no zombies around, but I still decide to wait just a little bit to just to make my chances of getting shot in the head a little lower. Then suddenly, I hear shooting, and see zombies running to other side of the building, then out of nowhere a squad of 3 pops out of nowhere with a trail of zombies behind them.

I quickly ready my M16A4 ACOG, zoom in on my sights, and see all of them run in to the supermarket. I keep watching my back as I look at the group. I could see their weapons through the window, one guy had a hatchet, one had a Lee enfield and the last guy had a m249, which I could clearly hear as he was moving the zombies down.

Soon I could see all the zombies disappear, instantly thinking that they disconnected, which they did. I sat there waiting for about 10 minutes, until I see 2 guys crawl out of back of the supermarket, I was about 250 meters away, so I account the range in as I'm sighting in on those 2 guys. I aim at them using the middle of the second and third line in my scope, and start firing, I calmly fire two shots on the other guy and two on the other, aiming for center body mass. I could see that my first shot hit just above the first guy, so I aim a little bit lower and I could see both of them going down. I had no idea where the third guy was.

As I wait a little while, just waiting for the third guy to pop up, I start moving slowly to the supermarket, as I was halfway there, he comes out, I quickly aim down my sights, estimate the distance to about 150 meters, and shoot my first round it misses the guys head with an inch, I lower my aim and got him straight in the head, and he fells down with his fallen comrades, in the cold ground of stary.

I see that zombies are coming my way, I quickly start sprinting to the supermarket, run over their corpses, get inside, turn around and shoot a couple of well aimed shots to the heads of those rotten zombies. After that I check my surroundings, all seems to be clear, and I begin looting the bodies, they really didn't have anything that I needed, but I did find myself a handy GPS from the hatchet guy, and then I replace my MP5SD6, which hasn't seen any action, for the M249 and two 200 round box magazines.

So, the moral of the story is, that one experienced marksman, with as simple weapon as m16 and a good spot can do a lot of damage to groups of people.

Hope you enjoyed reading through my experience in Stary.

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I laughed when you called yourself an experienced marksman.

Well, granted, I am not a real marksmen, but you do need to have some knowledge about weapons, even though it's a game, you can't just start firing aimlessly in over 200 meter distances, you need to count in for ex. bullet drop. Otherwise your not going to hit a damn thing. Maybe the words "Experiences Marksman" aren't the right, but I just couldn't think of anything else. Also Im not from England nor America, so please excuse me for not having such a large vocabulary as you might have.

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