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Holy Craps BE!!

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What is this Battleye crap even for? I understand that hackers will be everywhere, in every game, but is Battleye even doing anything? All my admin controls work ok. I'm assuming its on, and I installed everything properly. I can not believe the amount of people hacking in DayZ. Not just hacking to be a little better than someone else, or take the edge..... I mean straight up, I'm gonna ruin your fricken night, and make you eat my shit kinda hacking!!! Why people want to be this way is beyond me, and makes me and everyone else I know puke in our mouths a little! This mentality is why we live in such a F'd up world. Grow the hell up and learn to be a good sport at least.

Battleye needs to pick up the pace, and you hackers need to grow up a little. At least do something for the better of mankind with all those hacking skills. This statement excludes you "SO CALLED HACKERS" who go and by the silly shits. There are no words for you folk.......

One more thing, I'm sorry if I banned someone I shouldn't have, but by the time I got the BERcon up, and the command typed in, the player ID had switched to someone else, I THINK. But if you read this, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get a grip on all the little kids that want to ruin every ones good time.

Good Luck all

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Anti cheat software will ALWAYS be behind hackers.

If you wish for a better program, make one.

Vac, punkbuster, you name it, their all behind the hackers. Same as anti virus's etc. There is nothing you can do.

Stop acting like Dayz is the only game with cheats in it.

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Yet ANOTHER crying thread. This forum now consists of only 2 kind of threads. The "Looking to team up" threads and the "DayZ sucks, hacker suck, camper suck" crying threads.

Do you think it will change anything if you post here? Do you think the others care? No and no.

I know how you feel, been on hacker servers a few times but I just disco and that's it. No point of making another such thread while thousands are already made.

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Yet ANOTHER crying thread. This forum now consists of only 2 kind of threads. The "Looking to team up" threads and the "DayZ sucks, hacker suck, camper suck" crying threads.

Do you think it will change anything if you post here? Do you think the others care? No and no.

I know how you feel, been on hacker servers a few times but I just disco and that's it. No point of making another such thread while thousands are already made.

You forgot the "crying suck" threads

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Anti cheat software will ALWAYS be behind hackers.

If you wish for a better program, make one.

Vac, punkbuster, you name it, their all behind the hackers. Same as anti virus's etc. There is nothing you can do.

Stop acting like Dayz is the only game with cheats in it.

Dude, you don't read well, or you read me wrong. And maybe I do want to cry a little. LMFAO! I put 5 fricken dayz into getting my server up, 2 days later, ruined by fricken hackers. I do believe I said it would never stop, and I do understand that......... but this Battleye DOES NOT work as well as all the others, at least at this time. Is it because we are in an Alpha that make it harder to detect hacks? Is it just the fact that Battleye sucks..... I don't know!! But I damn sure don't learn well from trolls!

On a final note, If anyone else has ran a dedicated then they may know how frustrating this is....... I pay for this part time job they call DayZ "I LOVE IT" And I'm serious "just like a lot of other people" I know Im not the only one. I want to do what I can do to make this game be the best it can be. One thing is for sure, Battleye isn't getting it done ATM. Yes, I understand we are in alpha, but like I said, I pay for this part time job, and I'm gonna voice my opinion. If you don't like it.... keep you trollin mouth shut and move along. I'm only interested in people who may want to help out the DayZ community, or make me understand what I'm doing wrong, if anything.

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