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What exactly is Artifacting?

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So, first post and all......Wahoo...

Anyways, I know what artifacting looks like, it tends to happen a lot to me, but I am looking for what causes that. Is it a code conflicting with the version I run or is it just a code error in the game itself. I am not savvy in the writing of code world or how all that works, but simply looking for an answer just because it interests me!


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Artifacting can be caused by any number of things, nut just the game or version you are running, for instance it can also be caused by your graphics card overheating, or nearing the end of its "life" (im not saying thats whats causing it though).

There are currently several graphical glitches at the moment caused by barbed wire and other objects, being fixed next patch.

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rofl the use of the word itself should be asked

people do not know the correct term

ar·ti·fice (ärprime.giftschwa.gif-fibreve.gifs)


1. An artful or crafty expedient; a stratagem. See Synonyms at wile.

2. Subtle but base deception; trickery.

3. Cleverness or skill; ingenuity.

no clue what the fuck artifacting is

but there is a term called ARTIFICING

Artifact (archaeology), an object formed by humans, particularly one of interest to archaeologists

that's what i understand

so no idea what the fuck ARTIFACTING is\

looks to me there are tens of thousands of morons posting on the forums

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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rofl the use of the word itself should be asked

people do not know the correct term

ar·ti·fice (ärprime.giftschwa.gif-fibreve.gifs)


1. An artful or crafty expedient; a stratagem. See Synonyms at wile.

2. Subtle but base deception; trickery.

3. Cleverness or skill; ingenuity.

no clue what the fuck artifacting is

but there is a term called ARTIFICING

Artifact (archaeology), an object formed by humans, particularly one of interest to archaeologists

that's what i understand

so no idea what the fuck ARTIFACTING is\

looks to me there are tens of thousands of morons posting on the forums

10,001 after your post lol. Exercise your google fingers a bit more... http://en.wikipedia....irtual_artifact

Artifacting is a mutation of the word artifact ala googling and is done to provide a present participle allowing use of a noun as a verb most usually. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-ing

Oh and for good measure in case you ask:


Edited by Drblodski
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In the context of digital images and video the term artifact often refers to one of two things;

  • Pixelisation or other unwanted results caused by over compression (images/video) and/or rapid movement/scene changes (video). You will have seen this yourself on digital TV, youtube or static images.
  • Badly shaped/broken polygons caused by math errors due to hardware faults or geometry errors - this is what you are seeing in DayZ

The artifacting people are talking about here just means that you are seeing a lot of artifacts as a result of something going 'sproing'.

For more, google for '3d artifacts' or 'image compression artifacts' etc.

Edited by MrCunningham

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