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first person zoom problem

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hey, very new here but wondering if you could help me, when im playing dayz and in first person view it seems like im zoomed in constantly makin seeing stuff close by on the floor really hard to see, i have tried the + and - buttons on the num pad but of no avail and it stays zoomed in, ive tried double tapping the - button to see if it stays zoomed out but no, when i tap - and hold it i zoom out but when i let go it snaps back to zoomed in. its really annoying and i cant enjoy the game. please help


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You might have a zoom mode toggled on. you need to press the corresponding button once to get rid of it. For example to 'lock' Zoomed in, you press (on numpad) ++, to get rid of it press +.

to lock zoomed out press --, to get rid press -

If you have right clicked the mouse, right click again. right click is different to holding right mouse down.

Hope that helps.

Edited by disorder

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when i try to toggle it off it wont stay off but, it just goes straight back into being zoomed

when i can zoom out it looks normal but wont stay out

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