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Two copies of DayZ(Arma) bought, not working.

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I hope someone can help me figure this out. I bought arma/dayZ for myself about a month ago and it worked just fine. I have two laptops, so I installed the game on both so I could play wherever I happened to be. I wanted to play with my brother, so I went on my second laptop, logged into my brother's steam account, and purchased arma II again. After reinstalling both games, he still enters a server as the same exact character as I am from my first laptop, and I am unable to join the same server as him.

Apparently the game still thinks that he is me, even though I bought Arma again and reinstalled everything.

Any suggestions?


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That computer still have the other CD key registered in the registry.....use regedit or do a whole uninstall.

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Yeah, you have two options.

1) Find the Bohemia Interactive registry tree in the Windows registry and find the key that has your game CD key in it and change the value to your brothers new CD key.

2) Uninstall the game on your other laptop that your brother is using and then DELETE the Bohemia Interactive registry tree in the Windows registry. Then reinstall the game using the key your brothers came with.

Option 1 is much easier though as no reinstall is required, just changing a value in the registry.

When you login with your brothers steam account Steam is using his credentials however the copy of the game that it is using is the one that was already written to the registry... which was yours.

Just go in there and find the registry key that contains the CD Key and change it to your brothers CD Key number.

Should work. You can google for BI specific registry key information and where to find the CD Key number, theres plenty of links to it you can find. If you can't find it doing a google search than you really shouldn't be poking around in the registry anyway.

Good luck.

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Thank you for your help, but do you know how I can find the bohemia interactive registry in Windows Registry? I opened regedit, but I don't know what to look for.


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Thank you for your help, but do you know how I can find the bohemia interactive registry in Windows Registry? I opened regedit, but I don't know what to look for.


You can google for BI specific registry key information and where to find the CD Key number, theres plenty of links to it you can find. If you can't find it doing a google search than you really shouldn't be poking around in the registry anyway.

Good luck.

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