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That one guy who didn't open fire

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There were only 8-9 people on NL2 and the chances of encountering another player was pretty damn low

I was running around near Stary with my friends, we were a group of 3 and I saw something that looked like a zombie but decided to look around a little bit more.

Then I saw a survivor and got freked out as my friends were following me, not on front of me, and I stopped, told my friends to hold fire unless you'd start firing at us. You just looked at us, didn't move (probly creeped out yourself too :D) and I said "hello" to direct chat and we continued on.

Thanks for not shooting us! We found a crashed helo like 10-20 mins later of that happening.


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Left side of the "yellow" road that goes from Stary to Kabanino :D

We pretty much took everything else except some epi-pens, bandages and 1 bison SD without mags and a FN-FAL without any mags.

Our loot: Bison SD w/ 3-4 mags, FN-FAL, the NV scope version, 4 mags.

Edited by kitta

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