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Kazu (DayZ)

"ARMA 2 is not installed or installation is corrupt."

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Ok guys. So I finally bought a video card, bought ARMA: Combined Operations off of Steam, and downloaded and was set. Played a little on boot camp and decided it was time to start DayZ. So I used DayZCommander to download the files for DayZ and download the latest beta patch only to find that the patch rejected my game and says that either it isn't installed or it is corrupt when I know I just played it about five minutes ago. How do I fix this short of a reinstall? Because I think using Steam, which I have never done before, I'll have to re-download the game as well and apparently it took sixteen hours to download last night for some reason according to Steam.

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And before someone asks, yes I did put a registry string as MAIN and made the value the directory.

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