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Trading: NVG's for Ghillie Suit

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So, here's the deal: I know many of you have hoarded the ghillies before and now you have them left or freshly found. I have a nice NVG waiting for the first fellow survivor to either PM me or reply here.

The trade is reasonable, because nvg's are not as common as ghillies, i just was unlucky to find one (allways looted and civi left)

Rules, conditions and beans follow after you give the word. So, who wants to deal? ;)

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It pushes my trade request but i dont like it one bit O_O

If a mod comes across this, deleate the bot-posts, maybe? ^^

everyone else: still waiting ;)

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Ahw, you're so sweet :-* how about we meet up and i make you a gift: point blank bullet to the head for your bandit-behaviour? :)

No, really now, u think i would make such mistakes? ;)

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And no, not yet, you want to make a bet? ;) bring a ghillie, try to shoot mr, if i win i'll get the price :P

So, nobody else?

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I can get u a ghillie suit for the nvgs pm me so we can come to an agreement over Skype etc if we're to make the deal

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