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-TFBR- [Recruiting]

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TFBR is a group of bandits who have specific roles, such as sniper, spotter, assault, medic etc.

What can you expect from us?

#Mature when in combat or raiding, but we can have a laugh other times.

#Protection - If you die and lose your gear, we will save as much as possible and return it to you ASAP

#Good players - We are not accepting fresh players who don't even know how to aim down their sights.

#Fun, while keeping mature during firefights and raids we will still be able to have a laugh about it afterwards.

#Easy communication!

What do we expect from you?

#A good microphone - we need to be able to understand you!

#Level of maturity, as we like to keep maturity during combat, but you can be immature to a level while out of combat.

#Understand the game - we need you to understand the game, we can't babysit you.

#Be able to take death in the stride - when you die don't start to moan, we will do our best to recover your gear.

#No exploiting

Application form:

1. Age

2.Name<what you want to be called>


4. Experience <how long on the game?>

​5. What role are you applying for

If you like the looks of this then please add me on skype for more information:


If you add me on skype or want to apply, please post here in the topic. -we have a teamspeak-

-You have probably heard of me shooting allies etc. etc. The reason was that the group just didn't work at all, was very under-organised and was just a moshpit. This time I am keeping it very organised. So old members/ or who have played with me don't bother leaving that useless post.-

Edited by LewisUK
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I will add you on Skype later the day. I think I will fit into this perfectly.

ok :)

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How many members do you have? I'm very interested in this clan.

5 so far, (excluding me)

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Experience:about 1 months worth know my way arround the map n controlls ect.

role: either spotter or assult

skype: jake.burgess14


Jake Burgess

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Although I'd prefer a healthier sized clan, I'll go ahead and apply to this one for curiosity's sake.

1. Age: Currently 17 years old, if that's an issue let me know.

2. Nickname: Will want to be called Brudagon. (Pronunciation: BROO-duh-gone)

3. Nationality: American, West Coast.

4. Experience: I've been playing since the end of June.

5. I'll play whatever role need be, but I've never picked up a sniper rifle before, so I wouldn't suggest assigning me to that role.

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1. Age: 19

2.Name: Splitz

3.Nationality: Ukrainian/American

4. Experience: Since patch 1.2

​5. What role are you applying for: I'm really good at Assault with M4A1 CCO SD and m9SD, and good with Sniper as long as i have Rangefinders, or someone to give me an accurate range

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Although I'd prefer a healthier sized clan, I'll go ahead and apply to this one for curiosity's sake.

1. Age: Currently 17 years old, if that's an issue let me know.

2. Nickname: Will want to be called Brudagon. (Pronunciation: BROO-duh-gone)

3. Nationality: American, West Coast.

4. Experience: I've been playing since the end of June.

5. I'll play whatever role need be, but I've never picked up a sniper rifle before, so I wouldn't suggest assigning me to that role.

Add me on skype -name in post-

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1. Age: 15

2. Name: Christian

3. Nationality: American/ West Coast

4. Experience: Beginning of July

5. Role: Scouting, Spotting. Currently have M4A3 CCO and FN FAL.

I added you on skype.

P.S. Im a family member of Nick_Hextasy and Harmz.

Edited by malmortus
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Age: 17

Name: Nick

Nationality: American / West Coast

Experience: Been playing for a month and i know the map extremely well, having a dual screen with the map from Dayzdb.com on it helps a lot. ;D

Role: Assault / Scouting / Spotting. I know how to snipe well if needed.

I have some family members who are interested in the clan and another friend of ours!

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1. Age: 13 (give me a chance if you would)

2. Name: Main

3. Nationality: American/ Central Time

4. Experience: Around 3-4 months

5. Role: Sniper is my perfured role if my spotter is good. I'm not the best at spotting targets but I will put a bullet exactly where you tell me to. I really don't have a problem doing anything else except for scouting.

Skype Name: tzero316

Edited by tzero316

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1. Age: 19

2. Name: Harmz

3. Nationality: American/West coast

4. Experience: Beginning of July

5. Role: I would prefer Sniping or Scouting currently have an AS50, but i am comfortable playing any role.

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-had alot of interest in this group, if you have applied please give me time-

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Edited by Spatzek

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Age: 15, almost 16

Name: Aleksi

Nationality: Finnish

Experience: 4 weeks

Role: I prefer sniping, but i can play as spotter too

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