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ZAS Clan Recruiting

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ZAS Clan is now Recruiting, if your interested Reply to this with your information:

In-Game Name:

Steam Name:




Why You Want to Join:

Hurry First 5 Decent Applications Will Be Accepted Then Recruiting is closed make sure your App, Is good :D

Hope To See You Soon

Edited by Jenga22
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we range from 16 + and UK Mostly can stretch to whatever you fancy joining?

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In-game name: Anarchy

Steam name: FenixL

Location: Australia

Age: 15 but 16 in three days :D

Experience: Been playing Dayz for like 3 weeks now LOL

Why you want to join: First reason, solo is pretty rough for me :/ second, bandits are so annoying!

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In-game name: Anarchy

Steam name: FenixL

Location: Australia

Age: 15 but 16 in three days :D

Experience: Been playing Dayz for like 3 weeks now LOL

Why you want to join: First reason, solo is pretty rough for me :/ second, bandits are so annoying!

You Application is Being Reviewed, We Will PM You Soon with TS3 and Server Info

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In-game name: ogggrez

Steam name: counter_man900

Location: Sweden

Age: 16

Experience:I have been playing DayZ since Killroys videos came out.

Why i want to join: I think that it's way more fun to play with other people and using teamwork. I never been in an actual clan before, although I've been playing with some people on a steam group with TS3. But I think it's good to play with different people.

Hope you let me in :)

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In-Game Name:PumaFox

Steam Name:Pumafox


Age:13 (Mature)

Experience: About two days but I'm completely willing to learn and not get in anyones way

Why You Want to Join: I'm hoping I can get togther with some other experienced players to learn some things and have fun while also being serious when needed

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2 more spaces people :D Also Teamspeak 3 and Mic Is Requried :)

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in game: Ben

Steam: StarBerryDino



expierience: ive defended myself well but im always out numbered

Why i want to join: to get better have fun and get to enjoy the game with some new friends

Edited by StarberryDino

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i might be interested, but i would like to know a little more about your clan, how many are you, do you have your own "home-server" what is the goals of the clan in dayz?

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In-Game Name: tinit

Steam Name: tinit

Location: Uk -Newcastle

Age: 24

Experience: can stay alive :D

Why You Want to Join: to play with trustworthy people and get a diff fell of the game

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We are a New Clan With 8 Members and we play on a server that isnt ours but we still OWN it :D Our goals are to be the best clan on the server and pwn other clans :D

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1 More Space Left People

People Accepted







Hurry Up

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In-Game Name: SNiperSMokey

Steam Name: snipersmokey450

Location: Uk

Age: 25

Experience: Saddly i only have 2 weeks on dayz but been playing ARMA for many years.. having a play around with friends.. been gaming online for more years than i can remember. im ready to learn cos id love to get in to it!

Why You Want to Join: i wish to join as, solo is really quite hard.. i work better with a team around me as i have alot of questions. strength in numbers and all that.. plus the banta that comes with the team! i was in a clan breifly but no one listened, really dident enjoy that.. as im quite new. i would like to see if i can find something better elseware and restore my faith with people on this game.

Edited by SNiperSMokey

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Application Entries Now Closed, Thanks Everyone, ZAS Might be Recruiting again soon :)

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In-Game Name:Reaper

Steam Name:Fallenlegion253

Location:Washington State


Experience:300-400hours. Can fly helicopters, very good at recon/target elimination if needed

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ZAS Clan is now Recruiting, if your interested Reply to this with your information:

In-Game Name: michael

Steam Name: bakazuro

Location: aus

Age: 19

Experience: been laying for a few months now pre good at snipping and flying a heli

Why You Want to Join: i thought it would be more fun playing with more peeps then running around solo

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Come on Guys, Were Recruiting Again, More Applications :)

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In-Game Name:Thijs[NL][bE]

Steam Name:thijsgast

Location:Belgium(Flanders The Dutch part of Belgium.)

Age:13 Almost 14

Experience:A week but before i'm started playing i have watch 200vids of this game:p

Why You Want to Join:I hate it to run alone:s just killed by a clan i was alone the clan with 5:s


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