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Is due today?

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As the thread on the announcements has been closed... is the .5 patch due today with the Airfield and Cherno artifacts glitch fix included?

I haven't been able to go on an airfield or run North in Cherno since patch .4 :(

Thanks :)

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i hope. anyone know? heard anything on the grapevine?

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Yes it is, as it says on the thread.

Hey, thanks, yeah I saw that but it says target date which could mean they missed their target... thats why I asked though as the thread was closed with no update since,

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Hey, thanks, yeah I saw that but it says target date which could mean they missed their target... thats why I asked though as the thread was closed with no update since,

Perhaps a good sign that they're no longer updating the 'to do' list for this patch.

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Hey, thanks, yeah I saw that but it says target date which could mean they missed their target... thats why I asked though as the thread was closed with no update since,

Yeah sorry for being blunt. It should be today but sometimes they run late. Fingers crossed. I nearly spazzed out earlier while trying to raid the NW airfield.

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Yeah sorry for being blunt. It should be today but sometimes they run late. Fingers crossed. I nearly spazzed out earlier while trying to raid the NW airfield.

Hehe np - I got what you meant :) Yeah as you can see from vid I posted in #1 its just awful. Ive died so many times by just falling off edges etc cos I cant see anything lol

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Hopefully a beautiful new patch while be waiting for me when I get home from work tonight. *Fingers crossed*

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Hey, thanks, yeah I saw that but it says target date which could mean they missed their target... thats why I asked though as the thread was closed with no update since,

It's looking that way....but whatever the case, I'm sure Rocket's silence is a sign of him working frantically to push this update out. Even if it's a day late....

Everyone must be sick of not being able to loot areas with those damn glitches, myself included. Patience grasshopper

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