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Item spawning, teleporting, and /killing players

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Me and 4 friends were playing on server US 737, and we, along with every other player on the server(about 25 others) were teleported from wherever were, to outside of pustoshka, where there were three guys, two of which had ghillie suits and .50 caliber rifles, and they proceeded to shoot and kill everybody on the server. My friends and I tried to fight back and kill them, but when we spawned back in, after relogging to avoid losing our gear to hackers, we spawned in unconscious(after taking no damage or bleeding) and were promptly shot after the guys spoke in chat saying "Goodbye", like a classy guy.

After, til027, and D4v1dpwnz and I all somehow spawned in Otmel, and were shot at, and killed by the same sniper.

Later on, we were headed to the fire station(til and I) and were running, and til027 randomly broke his legs and died, I looked around for a cause, and I also died from the same fate.

One of the guys showed up in chat saying he cannot edit the mission because it is part of expansion pack blah blah something. His name was Khoa in game. I believe a guy named tyler in that game as well was also one of the hackers. Sadly, no screenshots or videos, as it all happened so fast.

I would like to request an inquisition to the matter, and get these hackers IP banned from the game, if that is even possible. Also if it is possible, I would like to request a server rollback, to just before the incident so that the players on the server can obtain their items over again.

Thanks for your time,


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I don't want to sound whiney or annoying, but... I'm a noob and for the first time I was doing well in this game, we had a URAL truck and where just riding around looting.

If there is anyway the server can be rolled back I would really appreaciate it (yes I know dying is just part of the game, but dying to a hacker is not) This Khoa guy needs to be banned.


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I would like to request an inquisition to the matter,

I definitely recommend an inquisition. Maybe a Spanish one?

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You won't get any rollback unfort. but seems like you have a name and a few witnesses...might be enough to have a server ban depending on the US 737 admin.

Contact the admin with your issue...a good admin SHOULD deal with this a.s.a.p. I'm sure he/she doesn't like someone hacking on their server.

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Yes we do need a rollback, We had a ural with ammo, Jerry cans and guns in it.

If I had 1EURO for every first post that was a QQ post I would have enough to buy a new PC. Rollback.... pmsl

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If I had 1EURO for every first post that was a QQ post I would have enough to buy a new PC. Rollback.... pmsl

If I had 1 EURO, I would need to go to a currency exchange.

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If I had 1 EURO, I would need to go to a currency exchange.

I would just keep the euro mate. Not long before the dollar goes down the pan and you guys are using beans for currency lol

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Yes, I was part of the group, I survived 7 days with amazing equipment. We are all in a skype call (We were extremely happy we had a ural and all these weapons) We were driving along and found crashed helicopters all in the same position with the body on the ground I studied the bodies and all of the bodies had the same name but didn't remember the name (The hacker clearly didnt know how to drive the heli) About 10 minutes later the whole server was teleported from where ever into a massive grass plain.There was an Atv with this guy with a Ghillie suit had a 50 cal, He shot all of us down and got back on his atv (I fainted but then he ran me over)

After we died, everybody on the server was randomly dying, and the hacker would tp near people and kill them. Then an error occured from a guy named bryan this was a battleeye error so if you look through the logs you should be able to find him.


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I would just keep the euro mate. Not long before the dollar goes down the pan and you guys are using beans for currency lol

Whatever makes my life more like this game is fine with me.

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