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Bug? -90000 blood

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Date/Time: 24th May 2012, Around 4AM GMT+1

What happened:

2 clanmates and I were playing on RU1 yesterday, looting Pusta and in the process losing quite a bit of blood. We made our way back over to elektro in search of some blood transfusion kits, while looting the hospital I ran out of ammo taking care of some zombies so I imagined I was pretty much doomed when a bandit promptly walked in as well.

To my great surprise however I was able to shrug off about 20 shotgun shells straight to the face. Meanwhile one of my clanmembers was happily going about his business looting the store completely unharmed by the sniper that shot him about 10 times before getting shot in the face by the last member of our little survival group who was counter-sniping in the hills nearby, completely unfazed by the 20 zombies who were trying to smack the life right out of him.

A couple of minutes and 20 dead zombies later we regrouped on the hills outside of town, bleeding like there's no tomorrow and very intrigued about what exactly was going on. We decided to see how long we could deal with this massive amount of bloodloss and all ended up dying at around -90000 blood.

Not sure if it was a bug or some custom server setup but it felt fairly immersion breaking to all of us so we promptly left said server and haven't tried to play on it ever since. I can assure you that none of us were running anything other than a fresh install of Arma 2:CO with DayZ (we all specifically bought the game to play this mod)

Where you were: Pusta, Elektro

What you were doing: Nothing special, just looking for some good items and such.

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Similar situation for me....not sure where I was exactly, but I had a bandit hot on my trail trying to pick me off - I was running and zig-zagging like a fool, not getting hit. Anyway, with all this running I attracted several zombies. Being intent on turning the tables on this bandit, I said to heck with the Z's, they can have me as long as I take the bandit with me, so I dove to the ground and started returning fire on the bandit, all the while the Z's beating the crap out of me. I bled and my legs broke, but I never lost consciousness, nor did I in-game "panic". I finally got the bandit then turned my attention to the Z's and finished them off. After my heart-rate returned to normal (IRL), I noticed my blood level was ~ -5K. I took some pain killers and morphine and, apart from the low blood, was just fine. Shortly thereafter (about 5 minutes), I timed out, and when I came back in to the game, I had everything on me that I had PRIOR to the bandit fight, ~ 9K blood, and no bandit kill credit. Weird.

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