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Spawn and Zombie Radius

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Beach Spawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------North

Low amount of zombie spawns---------------------------------------------------High

Shit Loot------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awesome sauce

thats the basic idea. in order to promote new players into the game without being daunted and to spread the play within the risk vs reward type game

so you're a n00b, or you're shit like me. and you spawn on the beach near cherno. all you want is a hatchet or somthing but you get shot by a ballsack in a sniper..why? because cherno is really one of the best places to be, you can get mags, lots of medicine, food etc.

so you're pro and you're in the north. you have a squad of 6 and you hit the airfeild everyday. you get into the occasional pvp battle but you have tents and other than that you can loot til you're hearts content.

but what if we made it that medicine dropped in large quantities was only available in little tents to the north, and in the south they vastly reduce it.

and less zombies around cherno, less weapons but more basic shit like beans, soda, bandages.

and in the north zombies are tripled or even quadrupled. and they spawn in the forrests as well as the airstrips and if you aggro one then you aggro a ton.

this way not only would it be practically impossible for people to skip the weapon teirs by going straight to nw airfeild. it would also reduce the point of coming back to cherno once you're beyond that level of game as the things you need to sustain you just arent there, you'd need your mags for the next trip north

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oh i'd also add two types of zombies - noise makers and silent. the silent ones would spawn in corners of buildings in the north so you can't just run in un armed

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