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Looking for fellow survivor from Europe

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Hello there, I just joined 12 days ago to DayZ i already know the basics but i'm always getting killed one way or another sooner or later, mostly later because i cant find a friendly survivor to help me with the blood bags.

Ok Well heres the deal im 16 years old, im from Europe so i want a person to be from europe, i dont reguire a voice chat options from my partner but still it would be alot more fun :)

I speak pretty good english, and i want someone to start the survival with

Please your age 15+

You need Skype

Im one of the good guys, i only shoot a person if there really is no other way (witch means if i get trapped inside a house by a mean survivor and i say im friendly but he still keeps shooting) That is called self defence right? :P

Post here your skype or steam if you are interested.

thank you :)

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Hey im also from europe, wanna play today? Skype: gamerzx1 I'm also a player like you, love this game, i dont mind shooting everything i see, lets play defensively also bargain with other players we see and so on... :D I will be up on skype in 2-3 hours

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Hello there, I just joined 12 days ago to DayZ i already know the basics but i'm always getting killed one way or another sooner or later, mostly later because i cant find a friendly survivor to help me with the blood bags.

Ok Well heres the deal im 16 years old, im from Europe so i want a person to be from europe, i dont reguire a voice chat options from my partner but still it would be alot more fun :)

I speak pretty good english, and i want someone to start the survival with

Please your age 15+

You need Skype

Im one of the good guys, i only shoot a person if there really is no other way (witch means if i get trapped inside a house by a mean survivor and i say im friendly but he still keeps shooting) That is called self defence right? :P

Post here your skype or steam if you are interested.

thank you :)

oh here is my skype gamerzx3

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Hi, I'm a lone wolf too (in EU servers) and I'm afraid looting while staying unnoticed is becoming boresome and I need some coordinated play, maybe a few runs at high-risk areas and whatnot. I am extremely efficient on my own, gather gear when servers are not so populated and right now I have pretty decent gear and also have a backup gear stashed in case I die. I have set up a small camp of 2 tents and I am willing to pool my gear with others if I trust/like them enough. I don't encourage banditry and killing people for sport although sometimes you know you have to be the first to shoot in order to survive, I have made quite a few of these mistakes in the past. Cross me now and I throw a few frags your way.

Anyway I need to play with good players who already know how the game works, how zombies work, estimate when it's ok to crouch or run while Zeds are nearby, also it'll be great if my partners are ARMA2 vets and can handel themselves in a firefight. I really don't want to group with people that will be a burden to me. I loot fast, use the Sprint and Grab strategy in large villages/towns and a stealthy approach in smaller villages with buildings with only one exit. Generally you have to be fast and be able to lure all your pursuers in a large building to slow them down, then go about looting the next place.

If you are ok with all of that, add me on skype 'zeichef' or steam under the same name. Obviously voice chat and fluent english is a must.

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Hey Guys,

We are not bandits but we are not in the business of getting face stomped by other teams either. We go by the rules avoid if possible engage if target or situation requires action.

I am part of a small gaming community who is expanding a new division in Day Z. We have already picked up a few players and would like to bring in enough solid players to have 2-3 small groups or can dominate coordinating together on a larger Op. We have forums, a mumble server and a website. We have a mature no douche policy and community who choose it members, we work together. Fill out a quick ap at http://www.codekillers.net and we'll get you set up as a recruit. We have members from England and Europe.

In-game name: Apex

Skype: Arithor.ck

Steam: Arithor

CK Website: http://www.codekillers.net

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Hey I´m form europe ,too, ages 16 and I´m lookin for someone/many to play with.

I´m not the best yet,my playstyle is rather friendly ( no shooting at sights) , but for bandits i give no quarter.

Just add me on

steam= Pflaume


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