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Thanks for the m14 and silenced pistol :)

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So I had recently died by losing hope because I had somehow glitched my fn fal, so in my next life I spawned at elektro and went straight to the firetower. I found an ak 74 kobra I think and kept heading up. Then suddenly hear sniper fire and a hole appeared right to the left of me. I heard stories about how stupid people are when they snipe at the "hill" of elektro. So I manage to get out and try to return fire at him, but apparently my vision sucks and I was shooting a rock xD.

He fired about another 3 shots before I started heading my way behind the hill he was at. There were a few zombies behind me and I was zig-zagging really hard. As I was going up the hill from behind, there was still a zombie behind me so I just proned behind a bush and lost him lol. When I got up to the top I scanned the whole hill from right to left and I just see this guys backpack and name.

I was so calm (I'm proud of mysel for not panicking because the last time I shot at someone my heart was beating so hard and I missed most of my shots :c:) And put about 2-4 bullets in him and he dies. I grabbed all the essentials I needed, map,compass,ect. Took his weapon and he also had a silenced pistol with 4 mags :DD. Then I just buried his body so if he came back, nothing was there xD. This is what you get for sniping freshy's at elektro BIATCH!

Edited by Seanyboy360
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M9SD isn't terribly good to be honest, I'd keep an M1911 unless you're that sneaky type.

The aim is random as hell. I've had it couple of times and i prefer pretty much everything before it :P

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This is what you get for sniping freshy's at elektro BIATCH!

I'd say for not moving his ass after he failed to kill you, but a kill is a kill. Good job.

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The aim is random as hell. I've had it couple of times and i prefer pretty much everything before it :P

I'd say after the weapon nerf, it's still better in regards to the 1911 just for the silenced factor. If you can headshot zombies, you won't be alerting anyone to it, which makes it still decent. However, the G17 at this point is the best pistol in the game in my eyes, and I keep a couple of them in our camps tents with probably 8 to 10 mags for them in there. Reason I like it, 1: Extremely accurate. 2: 17 rounds per clip 3: Great iron sites 4: high rate of fire. It's just great all around. If this was pre weapon nerf, I'd say 1911 all the way.

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