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A Zombie

its been said before, but im saying it again....Hackers....

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this game due to its rapid popularity has attracted a large amount of hackers to the point where the game is no longer playable. my group engage in long missions over long distances and being ported to stupid places constantly we can no longer effectively play this game. we are leaving the public servers to play in a permanently locked server.

Rocket, hacking will not stop in this mod, it will only get worse. give up and move onto the stand alone version with proper protection against hackers. This mod has proven the idea is wanted and it works and is popular. stop wasting anymore time here.

that is my opinion.

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Um, I never got teleported or even seen a hacker in this game, my friends neither have, and we play several hours a day :huh:

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Um, I never got teleported or even seen a hacker in this game, my friends neither have, and we play several hours a day :huh:

Last days its getting out of hand, never before i encountered hackers but since 2 days ago i have been teleported, insta-killed, set on fire, rained down by cows and zombies and what not......

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Um, I never got teleported or even seen a hacker in this game, my friends neither have, and we play several hours a day :huh:

time will tell

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