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Need medical treatment

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Hello fellow Survivors,

I managed to survive the night with my third Character, but couldn't avoid getting repeatedly bitten by Z.

Now my blood level is around 2650, which means I can't do pretty much more then hiding in the bushes since I pass out every 2 minutes and my vision is blur and faded.

I need someone for a blood transfusion. I have one blood bag with me. I do not have much to offer but I'll be happy to give you what you want in return. I would also post the helpers name here, if that helps someone to get a reputation for the White List or as a good and trustworthy player.

BTW: Is there already a thread where people can ask for medical help, that is watched by people that are willing to help and thus help can be provided quickly and by trusted people?

Couldn't find one on the quick... Also I couldn't find the thread on the White List or similar organizations again. If someone could please post that link, I'd appreciate very much! Sorry for not taking the time to search more deeply, but I am DYING here!

My current location is near Staroye. I am usually on German servers, but I could come to any european server. Depends on you!

If you are willing to help, please reply quickly! I wont last long without help, since am also starving...

Zurvivor (Grimes)

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You're better off posting in the medical thread in the survivor HQ, thats where the medics check for new patients.

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