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Add a separate melee slot?

Separate melee slot  

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I was just thinking, when you holster your primary weapon you hang it over your shoulder and when you holster a hatchet you hang it by your hip. Why can we then not have a separate slot for melee weapons in the inventory so that we can swap between, say, Enfield, Makarov and a hatchet?

There are times when I'd rather use the hatchet, for obvious reasons, rather than firing my Enfield as this would be contra productive and attract even more zeds to my position. Yesterday I went to the fire station inside Elektro and there was a zed just standing there, I had heard gunfire from somewhere in the city so now I wanted to use my hatchet which meant I had to first drop my Enfield on the ground and then equip my hatchet.

Now that is ridiculous imo, there's no reason I wouldn't be able to switch between a rifle, pistol and a melee weapon irl so why would it be in DayZ?

Edited by noMad17
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Not a bad suggestion/want/demand. 3 things

1: Would require a rework of the arma inventory system, as far as i understand and that is a fairly big undertaking.

2: There are plenty of other tasks I would think are more pressing/higher priority, than adding a melee slot.

3: THEY ARE FUCKING ZOMBIES MAN, if you want to go at them with a hachet; you are no longer playing "the mod" you are playing "a game"

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Its strange that my Hatchet disappears into my toolbelt when i take out my Enfield but stays when i pull out my revolver.

I would like this as i don't like doing something stupid and destroy my enfield as i forgot to place my hatchet into my belt first or some othe rglithe as i tend to panic mash buttons when being fired at.

Maybe something as simple as hotkeys to change equipment you have in your pack?

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Not a bad suggestion/want/demand. 3 things

1: Would require a rework of the arma inventory system, as far as i understand and that is a fairly big undertaking.

2: There are plenty of other tasks I would think are more pressing/higher priority, than adding a melee slot.

3: THEY ARE FUCKING ZOMBIES MAN, if you want to go at them with a hachet; you are no longer playing "the mod" you are playing "a game"

As for point 1: Yeah, guess I didn't think of that, would be nice to see in the standalone game later.

As for point 3: Well, if you think firing an Enfield rifle to kill ONE zed with its back turned against you IN a city where you've heard other players shooting is a good idea then all I have to say to you is; glhf. I for one sure don't want to attract dozens of zeds and the occasional nosy player to my position just because I have to get rid of one zed blocking my way.

This is a suggestion, while I realize it won't make the game until we see the standalone version, I still want to make sure this suggestion has been seen so that it might get implemented later.

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I'm kinda on the edge for this one.

While it's of course much more parctical having a melee slot, the hatchet is actually the most OP weapon against zombies.

I mean, would anyone shoot zombies anymore with a gun (headshots needed since the nerf) if you can just one shot without aiming with the hatchet...

For my part, I would probably never use a gun and only fill up secondary ammo slots with 8 bandages and possibly M203 nades.

Edited by Fence

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Melee could be changed to a sidearm (saves messing with the inventory system so much) so you can have primary and a melee or primary and a sidearm, hatchet is good for sneaking into areas on the edge of town with loads of zombies like zelenogorsk supermarket but I hardly bother because its such a pain to switch out. Would do if it was in place of my sidearm though. Hacking one zombie that stands in your path to death is worth the risk if it saves attracting the rest of the horde.

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I'd suggest:

1) A Melee slot that can be swapped to. The axe is on your tool belt and can be accessed but requires you to drop your gun. In reality you'd holster/ throw the gun over shoulder (the same way you would if changing weapons) and start swinging with axe.

and/ or

2a) A generic melee attack button provided you have a weapon or suitable object in your hand. If your being chased by a Zed and run out of ammo for your Shotgun/Rifle etc would you give up? No, you'd start swinging the butt like a club and smash the Zed's skull in. The animation for each weapon type could be unique too which would be an awesome touch. i.e Pistol whip to the head, rifle butt to the chest, swinging the shotgun like a baseball bat etc. Some weapons such as the mp5/uzi wouldn't be much use this way though i'd think. Maybe even add in a feature that you could potentially break your weapon by doing so.

It'd be a last resort option. scenario: Being chased by one zed, low health, 'fuck it!' *turns round and smashes zombie*. 'aww i've trashed my rifle, but at least i'm alive.'

2b) It would be a nice feature if you could kinda stun with the Melee attack to buy time as well. So instead of just stopping dead to swap primary to secondary (or vice versa), Melee bash the zed with the butt of rifle/ pistol whip, swap to alternative weapon and boom!

It could also act as a 'get-away move', bash the zombie/ knock it to the ground (depending on weight of weapon etc) and gain some distance from it whilst it recovers.

3) Also you should be able to perform a running melee attack. Ever swung a bat whilst running at a target? If anything it should be more powerful but take longer to recover from or risk throwing yourself off balance.

Edited by CQ2

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