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GB #929 ( {REG}GMT +1dayzmod.com - Hosted G2G - clan2q.co.uk (Thunderdome hacker)

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I had just finished up the repair to mine (Nai) and my friend ( Yarilo)'es jeep as a server restart had some how reset all there damage back to orange :<

I was at the walled in factory north east of the south coastline centre (Would give grid ref though my new char has no map ) :( Then all of a sudden me and everyone on the server I think at the time had been tellyed to the "THUNDER DOME"

I Instantly Alt+f4 and logged back into the see if It had saved me outside of the hack but to no avail... So I got my AIM Rifle and killed the person in the helicopter... ( Was weird cause the chopper had no pilot) ...Guy in gunner seat I can imagine was the hacker though I have no names due to the quick alt F4. Is there any way for refunds and stuff? Cause I had a nice zombie kill tally for quite a new player 300+ and been alive for a phew days...) Died recently but had a stash so i was well equipped along with my friend who was not on at the time so should be safe.

I'm not sure if refunds or done or anything :P Just a question really!

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Why yes, rocket's elite item refunding division will get right on that sir. Please go stand on the highest building in Cherno, stick your arms above your head and wave them in a circular pattern. Do not wave them in any other pattern, or you will not recieve a refund.

Rocket will then telepathically sense what items you lost and they will parachute out of the sky to you.

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