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AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

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Shut up please. Everyone just please shut up. Its the internet, what did you expect smiley? That everyone is going to be good buddy friends? I got kicked from my clan tonight and shot when the douchey leader was right by my body buried it then laughed at me. Been playing with them for about 3 weeks. And if you wanna look smart spell words correctly and use grammer, not brag about how you go to a university.

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You all bitch too much. No one really gives a shit about this. I have no clue who ADZ is and I don't care who they shot. Really, both of you look like complete idiots. Master makes ADZ look like a bunch of high-strung ass holes and this smiley face guy keeps talking about how smart he is, even though he's an idiot.

You obviously do considering you read through and went out of your way to post.

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