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More or less the same here.

After our favorite server was restarted and edited (normally at this time it would be night, now it is day) 2 vehicles and 4 totally full tents disappeared. Playing on a server due to issues with 1.7.2 servers.

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my ENTIRE FUCKING CAR is gone. I just found it today and was sure to save it several times before 1.7.2 went live on my server. It is now gone.

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It seems that in all our cars (Jeeps, bus, pickup trucks) the entire inventory has disappeared. We have tried restarting the server but that didn't fix it.

Definitely has been happening to me as well, but this was even before 1.7.2. I had one vehicle that saved things properly, but two that did not - everything after log was wiped. I was driving one today and I put raw meat in and it was instantly gone.

Server: US 5

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my ENTIRE FUCKING CAR is gone. I just found it today and was sure to save it several times before 1.7.2 went live on my server. It is now gone.

While this could happen by a player taking it, I also lost a car. I had assumed it was a player but I was surprised because the other car near it with tons of loot in it was untouched.

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Fucking game breaker, no use in storing anything at all, cars,tents.. even stuff in my backpack is being morphed. M107 to a CZ550. 1911 morphing into bandages etc etc.

Did another test couple of hours ago.

Tent with items, about 20 (5 guns + random stuff).

Save Tent

Save Tent

Save Tent



Save tent.


Check contents, all there.


Tent gone


Tent gone


Tent there but empty.


Tent there but empty.




Yeah this happens with cars too. On US 5 over the weekend every vehicle on the map went away after their 1am server reset. They came back the next day.

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