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It seems that in all our cars (Jeeps, bus, pickup trucks) the entire inventory has disappeared. We have tried restarting the server but that didn't fix it.

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No one experiencing the same thing?

(also to clarify: Some car's where parked on another part of the map so it wasn't stolen)

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We are experiencing similarly lost gear. Our campsite had not been raided in over two weeks, so its location was very safe. The items we lost over the last two days has been lower tier, making us think it was not a raid. In addition, today 3 placed tents that were mine actually just dissapeared, which should be impossible for a player to do. The US HC1 server we are on has been restarted multiple times, so it is not the "blinking tents/cars" bug. In total we have lost the following:


1 camo UAZ, 1 yellow UAZ (each of which had tons of car gear and fuel tanks)

30-40 DMR mags, 1 DMR (entire stack of dmr ammo)

30-40 Stanag SD (entire stack of sd ammo)

20-30 Blood bags (entire stack of blood bags)

1 M240

10 stored tents

10-20 food (all food in tent)

5-15 water (all water in tent)


3 of my personal placed tents that just entirely deleted, which contained:

2 M16 Acog

1 M4A3 CCO

20-30 smoke grenades and grenades

10 painkillers

10 morphine

Can you give a more thorough description of what exactly happened so we can determine if this is the same issue? With the problems over the last few days, I am thinking it might be data corruption.

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Same happened in FR8 Server.

Our cars/heli , are empty :s

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Basically the same happened to us as happened to Meta. All our vehicle's are completely empty after the server was patched up to the latest patch. We also lost some minor (and major) loot that was spread over;

- A bus

- 2 lada's

- 2 red cars

- A pickup

- Camo Uaz

- The landrover

We are a 100% positive that it wasn't stolen as the cars where spread over multiple locations and in there was nothing missing from any tents.

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All our vehicle's are completely empty after the server was patched up to the latest patch. We are a 100% positive that it wasn't stolen as the cars where spread over multiple locations and in there was nothing missing from any tents.

Ah, I misunderstood you. Our actual cars are missing, things in many of our tents, and some of our actual tents that were placed (which is impossible for a player that is not the owner to do). Our issues are slightly different, but could both be related to server data corruption with the latest patches.

EDIT: Server just restarted again. The tents and items from today reappeared. The cars and items from the previous day are still gone. We are now assuming it was a raid, followed by the "tent blinking" bug.

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All our vehicles are now completely empty too. Lost more stuff than I care to mention.

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More detail on issue - looses data on server restart

Tested on anz2 with arma beta patch

uaz lost all gear after patch

Put more gear in uaz - stored fine untill server restart then was all gone again

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These bugs are just so abundant it makes me sad :(, does no one playtest anything before releases? Definetly need some "Official Alpha Tester" Servers, and servers shouldnt update until bugs have been mapped.

Im hoping my stuff didnt go away, because Im thursty with no drinks on me ATM : /

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+1 for 2 builds of the game, Alpha and slightly more stable.

The current insane amout of alpha testers on the daily builds just isnt maintanable in the long run.

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Also, I understand this is Rockets baby, but if you got like 2-3 more people working on this with the code, im sure bugs would be ironed out. Im a moderately stable coder, and would be totally willing to help improve this game in any way possible. Maintaining your vision of course, whomever would help would obviously just be a code bitch, but it would expenentially help the growth of this game.

At best, dedicate 1 server as "Alpha testgrounds", there you can have regulated player flow from verified testers (Not COD douchebags) and then youll see what happens.

If you see this Rocket, Drop me a line, I know I could muster up donations from around to pay for an Alpha server, possible a few more "Official" ones.

EDIT: Shit just happened to me, Lost Silenced weapons, NVGs and more endgame stuff :(. Fak

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Our car was empty as well, I assumed people just took everything. Although it was a lot of stuff, and I just now seen this post. Oh well.

These bugs are just so abundant it makes me sad :(' date=' does no one playtest anything before releases? Definetly need some "Official Alpha Tester" Servers, and servers shouldnt update until bugs have been mapped.

Im hoping my stuff didnt go away, because Im thursty with no drinks on me ATM : /


Also, we ARE the testers... This is Alpha, the whole thing is in alpha.

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Same for me. But gear actually was in and gone only yesterday.

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Found my first car and my first downd chopper the other day..

Filled car with goodies.. FAL with nightscope M14 scoped.. lots of rounds food cokes and so on... all gone today when i logged in..

Makes me sad :(

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This mod is still in alpha.. Get use to it.. My camp had like 40 of those "lost gear".. Both tents and cars..

Nothing to do.. Take it as a "You can do better" speech from Roket :P..

It isnt funny to have it all.. :D

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Its been happening to us for the past week. We would come on and some of the cars inventory would be wiped out. We lost some nice gear (L85) and car parts etc... Its getting so we cant even use cars to store any more.

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My clan has a similar experience, and we no longer store gear in vehicles. Only way to keep your pixels is to place them in your backpack when you log off. Yes its an alpha, and its still the best game i have played this year...

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I'm sorry but anyone that gets attached to their gear shouldn't be playing. This mod is still in alpha testing, and I'm quite certain that all players will be reset again before it hits Beta, and I'm positive they'll be reset before this becomes a stand alone game.

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I notice very same glitch first about 6 days ago

All gear dissapeared from the following vehicels after they were saved. Some within less then 7 hours after being placed in them.

UAZ, Off road Toyota, Off road Military Landrover, ATV, Motorcycles.

However all items placed in the URAL and tents were still there?

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Any time we store anything in our UAZ the entire inventory is wiped on restart. Ural was okay, we've only lost a few items from that but the majority seem to stick. Our motorbikes inventory seemed to save fine aswell. I dont recommend storing anything in UAZs for now at least. Those are the only ones I can speak for personally, but from the looks of the thread it seems any of the vehicles with space equal to 50/10/2 may suffer from this wipe issue (see http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10198 ).

I can also add that of the 50/10/2 vehicles I've found in the woods, all of them have been empty (A toyota, some old hatchbacks).

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Fucking game breaker, no use in storing anything at all, cars,tents.. even stuff in my backpack is being morphed. M107 to a CZ550. 1911 morphing into bandages etc etc.

Did another test couple of hours ago.

Tent with items, about 20 (5 guns + random stuff).

Save Tent

Save Tent

Save Tent



Save tent.


Check contents, all there.


Tent gone


Tent gone


Tent there but empty.


Tent there but empty.




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