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Players being kicked while driving vehicles for "Battleye restriction #54"

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So earlier I had a problem where people were being kicked for Battleye restriction 55 and now people are getting kicked for Battleye restriction 54... I searched the forums and google and can't find any information about this error. My recently rented server has the following versions running:

DayZ + Hive 0.7.2

ARMA2 OA Build 95417

The 54 error seems to be happening while people are driving vehicles and hit or run over any object.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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You may want to update your scripts to the dayz dev scripts.txt. Or you can remove that line from your scripts.txt

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So I removed the vehicleinit line for the restriction 55 error, earlier today, but I don't know which line to remove for the 54. I'm new to the ARMA II engine and just learning how to run a server. Where can I grab the latest DayZ dev script to update my server?

Is it literally just nulling the 54th line in the script file? if so, I can easily do that.

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I ran into this but it only did this when I was trying to move and destroy a hacked vehicle. The vehicle would self heal if I got out. Maybe your vehicle was a hacked one?

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If they're getting that it's the result of a vehicle exploding either due to gunfire or just plain crashing from what I recall. If you check the scripts.log for #54 it should show you what #54 actually is.

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This happened to me and my friend on the same server on separate occasions. It kicked me when someone was shooting at the car I was driving and it happened to my friend when he crashed into a tree. Both of the times the cars were gone when we logged back on but they respawned once the server restarted.

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Thanks Ryahn, just updated my server and so far so good! I really appreciate the help.

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