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Hello Guys,

I seem to be having a few problems with my steam version of ARMA2: Combined Operations.

Steps Taken:

0/ Install ARMA2 & Operation Arrowhead - Run both copy's to make sure both games can and will run.

1/ I've download all .rar files from http://us.armafiles.info/

2/ Extracted all .rar files to location I:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons

3/ Edited Arma2: Operation Arrorwhead launch options in Steam to -mod=@dayz -nosplash

4/ Started by right clicking ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead and selecting Launch ARMA2: Combined Operations

5/ Game loads in Full screen, (Running in window mode i get this Error "Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts" Forum FAQ Says to ignore.)

6/ Top right corner below the ARMA2 image i have two small text words top one Says ArmA 2 below this it says @dayz (im guessing these our mods loaded)

7/ Press mp button black screen comes up with receiving

8/ Server browser is now loaded with no servers listed.

9/ Hit filter to see if filter settings have been enabled

Filter settings set to:

name = Blank

max ping = Blank

min players = Blank

max players = Blank

mission = blank

type = blank

expansions = show

Full servers = Show

Passworded = Show

Battleye = Default

10/ Hit ok then wait and hit refresh just to confirm new filters options

11/ Still no servers listed!

12/ Re-installed Battleye both manual and using steams right click options.

13/ Still no servers listed!

The above has now been tested 4 times with 4 new install's running on two different computers with the same result. All copy's have been verified each time just to make sure files have been download.

Both computers have only windows firewall and windows security essentials running no other running security systems. External Hardware firewall is in place.

Also tried with internal firewall turned off still the same result.

So what have i done wrong???


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This is just a guess, but try to run Arma and steam as an administrator (maybe only steam will be enough). To do that just go to your steam folder where your game is installed, right-click on the executable of operation arrowhead, "properties" and check "run as administator". I've heard that battleye sometimes has problems if you do not run arma 2 as an administrator.

Hope this helps. If not, let me know and I'll try to think of something else ;)

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