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crockett (DayZ)

telported to middle of fire fight?

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So after my 6th try I'm finally making some progess about 1 hour in, found a winchester have extra ammo & actually have a extra can of soda so I don't die of thirst after 1 hour of having nothing to drink. Not to mention I killed my 1st zombie now that I actually had a gun.. Things going good and next thing I know I'm telported to middile of a airstrip with all kinds of other guys and we are all getting mowed down by I assume cheaters?

I was in some castle ruins at Rog and next thing I know I'm on some Airfield runway with out warning getting shot with about 5 to 8 other guys all in noob gear as my self. Made best of my shot gun and killed one of the other guys that was in same boat but... Really?

Edited by crockett

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There is no point in posting about hackers, we all know that they are there and there is not much if anything that can be done (blame BIS, not Rocket).

I hope that soon there will be another BattlEye purge to ban a load of the script kiddies, but there are ways around that and they can just buy another version of OA.

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