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Just Curious

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Maybe i'm a noob or something still when it comes to how much a round will inflict damage wise but what should follow two gut shots point blank from a cz 550? A) Death B ) Unconsiousness and/or broken leg C) Guy you shoot keeps shooting at you until you die D) none of the above

My guess would be A. Seems logical.......I bet you can't guess which one actually happened.

Edited by n0tyx3s

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I vote for:

E: Chill out and wait for Rocket to adjust his mod to compensate for bullet damage changes made in the Arma 1.62 beta patch.

Edited by SystemiK

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Yeah I took that into concideration but I don't think two sniper rounds point blank to the stomach, would allow someone to keeps standing let alone finish me off like he did. I mean I've hit someone with the new ballistics damage from 300 meters and farther with the CZ and got one hit kills with it. I was leaning more toward hacker. Which would be the third one i've ran into, and been killed by today. I just wanted to vent and share the misery. :P

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