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A unexpected way to log into a game.

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So me and my friend log into a server US256 i believe and im outside elektro just a little bit. Well i have a chez pack and cammo cloths with a m16 in my pack and a mp5sd in my hands and my friend is spawning in new. He ends up in Kamyshovo and starts heading my way cuz he loaded in a little faster then i did. Well when i get in i do a scan around my position before i get up and move. I notice a couple figures in the distance but they arent moving so i decide to check it out. I make my way up and around trying to stay low and sneaking and as i get close i can tell its 2 dead bodies. So my heart starts to race a little cuz its like well shit what killed them so i tell my friend where i am and that there is a couple bodies there. So i watch for a couple minutes then head down to check it out after i dont see any movment. So i go up to the bodies and notice shit there is a 3rd body here there is a ak on them a enfield couple alice packs. some decent equipment. So i was like well the clearly didnt get killed for the gear so whoever did it must of had some decent gear. About then my friend says he is coming in by the firehouse so i tell him to meet me over on the N side of the barn. About then he comes over the mic "shit man i have a sniper shotting at me" i was like u sure its a sniper cuz i dont hear any gun shots. He replys well i dont hear the gun but i hear the bullets hitting around me about then i see someone come into the hill i was on with a axe. I ask if that is him with the axe and he says yeah so i tell him that i have a m16 in my pack so he drops down and gets it from me. About then i see a zombie running in the field up towards where we are so i tell him to move back a little bit and off to the side. So he does and sure enough here come 2 of them one is closing in fast im pretty sure they expected a easy naked kill. So he opens fire with the M16 bam bam bam 1 down. I see the other start sneaking around a little so i tell my friend to start making a run for it down past me to the right [they are both on my left side]. So i makes a run for it and i see the guy come out from behind the tree and start after him i give it a second for him to get past my posistion. Then i crouch up and start after him with my MP5sd soon as i get close he must of heard me cuz he turns and i open fire. He returns fire so i take off to get cover and as soon as i do im down to 3k health and bleeding. I start to bandage quick and by then my friend has turned around to help but by the time he can see the guy "tick 1 bandit killed" So we ended up with a 24 slot bag a M4A1 CCO SD, PDW, range finder a bunch of goodies. That i personally have yet to find in the short period of time playing. But luckily he also had a blood pack on him so i was able to get right back to full health. I feel a little bad cuz there was just so much stuff laying on the ground between the 5 bodies but crap what do u do u can only carry so much.

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tl:dr ;)

Edited by john142

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My eyes hurt now, but I can tl;dr it.

tl;dr Guy spawns into game with his buddy. Buddy gets shot at by a sniper or something like that. They find each other and the sniper comes out from somewhere. They kill the sniper and get dem good gear.

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My eyes hurt now, but I can tl;dr it.

tl;dr Guy spawns into game with his buddy. Buddy gets shot at by a sniper or something like that. They find each other and the sniper comes out from somewhere. They kill the sniper and get dem good gear.

So a typical day in DayZ, eh?

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