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A few questions about the mod before i get going

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Hey everyone, Im DNA216(steam id chainsmoker216). for the last couple years i havent had a computer that could run games, but i now have a nice rig and im ready to get back to it. Anyway, i have had my eye on this mod for sometime now and it was one of the driving forces behind me getting a new computer. Before i start it up though i have a fwe questions.

1) What can i expect when i first jump in? I have read all the stuff on the site but most of it is hype to get u to download the game and not really preparing you for whats to come. What am i going to be looking to do?

2) none of my friends of the game(yet). My one friend is getting it soon and im trying to convince the other to buy arma 2. But for now its me against the world so to speak. Is it possible to walk up to random groups in the game and join them or do i need to go into it with one? do i even stand a chance on my own?

3) Anything else i should be ready for?

If anyone can take the time to help me out, maybe let me join a group or something with and show me a around a little bit first i promise i wont stab u in the back lol.

Thank in advance guys!!!!!

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Get ready to die. A lot.

Honestly, keep it simple, stick to finding food and water and weapons.

Scout locations before you enter. Watch tree lines for snipers.

Make sure you have balls. When I first started playing, I tried to be sneaky and help people, SOS-ing with my flashlight... No.

Don't be afraid to die when you first start, because you have nothing to lose.

Once you start getting good loot, THEN you start naturally changing your play style


Don't try to group up with strangers.... trust no one. Wait for your friends to get the game too.


Get ready for an awesome experience, honestly, amist all the bugs and problems that come with an Alpha stage mod,

I have had a truly unique gaming experience. Filled with adrenaline, heartache and drama.

You will feel fear, joy, vengence, stuff you may not have felt playing any other game.

Edited by Dbrow

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You can't trust random groups - just try and survive with your friends, or solo if need be. It's possible to find groups in forums, but I don't think long-lasting teams emerge randomly in the game. You can expect a steep learning curve, and an immersive experience.

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You can't trust random groups - just try and survive with your friends, or solo if need be. It's possible to find groups in forums, but I don't think long-lasting teams emerge randomly in the game. You can expect a steep learning curve, and an immersive experience.

I would have to disagree on that.

OP, i actually recommend finding other survivors for help.

Look for unarmed survivors and hope he's a veteran.

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Relax, have fun exploring, don't worry about dying in the process, learn from your mistakes, repeat. Just about the best advice I can give you.

*edit* Almost forgot to mention something important. Everybody hates you. So don't worry about dying, because you'll be killed by other players. A lot. In fact, after a few fresh spawns your only deaths will come from other players.

Edited by nuclearaddict

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Well like others have said, you will die.. a lot. To the infected (zeds), to glitches, to other players. So don't get attached to your gear, it's easy (ish) to replace. Get scared, get paranoid, always look over your shoulder. Say you're friendly, sometimes people will believe you, sometimes they won't and will shoot you, or you can shoot them.

Just have fun.

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Use your mic. Hit the "," or "." to change to the "direct channel" for earshot communication if you see someone, but before you do have your weapon pointed at them ready to fire. If they see you first and say nothing most likely they were sneaking up on you so shoot them instantly,

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