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Since you have your own server.

Put into the mode that shows where you are on the map and die and who ever gets the farthest north without eating or drinking wins. Screen cap or video as proof.

Since you have a clan get a heli two gunners and do above with the heli shooting at the runners ...

Not noobs, people that know they will be shot at.

Edited by Ankhenaten
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Since you have your own server.

Put into the mode that shows where you are on the map and die and who ever gets the farthest north without eating or drinking wins. Screen cap or video as proof.

Since you have a clan get a heli two gunners and do above with the heli shooting at the runners ...

Not noobs, people that know they will be shot at.

Heli Idea is awesome, but our chopper is bugged on our server, and we can't get it too un-bugg/ re-spawn! :(

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Heli Idea is awesome, but our chopper is bugged on our server, and we can't get it too un-bugg/ re-spawn! :(

Someone tried to fly ours and got it stuck next to a tree. Now we can't safely use it without destroying the main rotor.

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Someone tried to fly ours and got it stuck next to a tree. Now we can't safely use it without destroying the main rotor.

Our's is on an Island, but it's half in the water, and it slips further in, and explodes, and even if we get it fuelled and repaired quickly even at 100% repaired it leaks fuel, the water's bugging it out! :(

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Hey guys.

So I'm seriously stuck, I literally have the best gear in the game right now, + ton's more of it in my camp.

I got all my good gear the first time, and got bored so decided I'd set up a camp with 10 tents + several cars, both tents and cars are full of high end gear...

Doing all that I decided I would go PvP down south... But I don't seem to die -.-

No one seem's too kill me, I literally have nothing to do anymore.. witch kind of sucks, I've tryed being a good & bad guy, but I do that for a while then still get bored, I'm out of idea's.

It's got that boring I'm considering giving everything away and starting a fresh unless I come up with something to do!

So any idea's?


Just thought i would reignite this thread, Just thought I would let you know that your clan and yourself are scumbags, Your clan abuses admin powers by banning people that kill members of your clan, Also if anyone gets near your truck full of guns and steals it you immediately restart the server.

Maybe you should play fair, it would be a lot more beneficial for your clan and yourself.

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Just thought i would reignite this thread, Just thought I would let you know that your clan and yourself are scumbags, Your clan abuses admin powers by banning people that kill members of your clan, Also if anyone gets near your truck full of guns and steals it you immediately restart the server.

Maybe you should play fair, it would be a lot more beneficial for your clan and yourself.

Lol... that truck was nothing to us.. We have camps dotted round the map..

My clan doesn't abuse anything.. Untill you pay for our server, you don't decide or even have an opinion on what we do..

Why are you so pissy?

Go find another server, I'm pretty sure there's plenty out there..

Get on with you're shitty little Youtube channel on someone else's server.

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Lol... that truck was nothing to us.. We have camps dotted round the map..

My clan doesn't abuse anything.. Untill you pay for our server, you don't decide or even have an opinion on what we do..

Why are you so pissy?

Go find another server, I'm pretty sure there's plenty out there..

Get on with you're shitty little Youtube channel on someone else's server.

Look your clan and yourself abuse the admin status, just admit it, paying for the server doesn't mean anything, you have to abide what the other servers do but NO you ban people and kick people when you cant win a firefight. pathetic!!! why even play the damn game??? im sure you can play other titles like banjo kazooie if you cant handle it... hahaha

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Go play a different game.

Your kind isn't wanted here.

I personally dont want YOU here, unless you have something Nice to say except sarcasm

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Contact other clans and challenge them to capture a castle/village/city or anything, and see who wins :D ?

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Be very sneak and reverse pick pocket some snipers drop some of your unused loot into their bags lol

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Either that if you want to be rid of your stuff post your server snd grid on these forums and watch the chaos unfold at your camp.

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