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Epic Jerni

I'd like to see Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDS) added to DayZ

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I like to hear what people think about adding IEDs to DayZ

So...I am in the military and I like the milsim side of DayZ/Arma. I don't expect every player to like this idea, but I'm sure Rocket would know from his experiences in the military that the use of IEDs (improvised explosive devices) are a huge factor in unconventional warfare (which is basically the fighting style of DayZ). I would like to see them added to DayZ. I understand that satchel charges are kind of similar, but I have never seen them in DayZ. I don't think adding a bomb as a whole object is a good idea because that would make it too easy. They would be everywhere and I don't want to change the game into everyone running around looking for explosive hazards.

I was thinking more along the lines of challenging players who would want to use IEDs to take out vehicles, zombies, or players by making them piece the IED together. Obviously there are several components to improvised explosives: main charge (bulk explosive or military ordnance), power source (batteries), initiator (electric blasting cap) and switch or trigger (light switch or any simple electronic switch).

Lets talk about main charges...ANFO is a pretty common one and it consist of basic stuff like diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate. Now, in the game we already have jerry cans that we fill up with diesel fuel so that one is easy. Ammonium nitrate is pretty easy too because I read that Rocket was looking at adding farming to the game and ammonium nitrate is used in fertilizers. So, by adding bags of fertilizer to the game for farming purposes it would double as an ingredient to an improvised explosive. You could just combine the two in your inventory and have a jerry can full of explosives.

Now we just need to have a low explosive so set the main charge off. That would be our initiator. I was thinking that electric blasting caps, which are small metal tubes filled with low explosives set off by electricity, could be added to military loot only for use with a main charge. Then you could combine the initiator with the main charge and have a primed charge.

To set all this off we need wire, battery pack, and a switch of some sort...all of these items can easily be added as single objects. Connect the wire to your placed charge and run it where you want (determined by the length of the wire). Connect your battery pack and switch and now it would all be setup. Wait for someone, a vehicle packed with survivors/bandits, or a pack of zombies and Boom!

I am sure it seems like a lot for people who are not familiar with the process, but so does map reading and other tasks in the game. I would think all these items need to be rare just so that it adds another dynamic to the game, but not change the game entirely. It could also give Joe Snuffy the survivor a one up on the clan of bandits that are riding around in their Ural waiting to see someone so they can jump out spray a bunch of bullets their way. If those bandits in the Ural are cautious enough and maybe spot the main charge in the road or the wire that leads to the trigger point then kudos. But I would definitely think that any IED would need to require a player to initiate it and not be like an anti tank mine that just lies dormant waiting for the right amount of pressure to set it off. Just to keep the player involved in the action and give the victim a chance in the fight.

The idea of basic booby traps like trip wire initiated grenades is also very cool and a helluvah lot simpler. I think I have said enough though. What do you guys think?

I hope I haven't violated any laws by posting this...but I am sure it can be found anywhere on the internet.

DISCLAIMER: This is for the game. Do not try to do this!!!

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Yeah, i want an IED rather than a satchel charges.

There's actually IED in the original arma 2 which is pretty much the same with satchel.

It'll be much much more cooler if we can craft it like your thread :)

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Yeah, I remember the IEDs from Arma 2 but like you said the crafting part is what would really make it interesting.

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+1 great idea. I wanna see more crafting/item combination elements similar to the hatchet/matches/hunting knife combo for obtaining meat.

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I would actually like this. But I think they'd need something more. Something rarer. A detonator.

trip-wire IED's are a greifers DREAM. They require no maintanence to blow up. but if the bomb needs to be detonated, by, say, a radio device, then you've opened up a whole new world.

Spot an IED? You know that someone is nearby waiting with their finger on the trigger to blow it up.

But there is another issue. Giving players large amounts of explosive ordinance allows them to greif by just...blowing up every building they come across. I mean, sure, if you pack five IED's into a church, that thing should go DOWN. But just one or two should cause only superficial damage, and leave the structure intact.

Nothing quite like getting on a hacked server by accident and finding that Elektro has been flattened.

Hence, I think IED's should be specifically anti personel. You know, bottles of nails and shit. Maybe even allow us to turn backpacks into explosive devices. You activate the trapped backpack, and BOOM. No more survivor. Would be fun. But also so greifable.

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