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[RECRUITING] Relentless

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Nah sorry, you're not going to get away with all of your bullshit by quickly attempting to jump on your high horse and shrug off all of these accusations. If any potential recruits are reading this right now, stay well clear of this clan; they're lying, deceitful, malicious immature alt f4ing low lives. Just generally unpleasant fellows.

The drama this one forum post has attracted should be enough to repel any potential recruits. It's not worth it.

Edited by Brain_in_a_vat

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Have they actually banned us all from the server? At work so can't check right now, but if so, that's fucking hilarious. You nabs couldn't just fight it out? You recruit in the bandit forums but ban anyone who trys to pvp with you on your server? Thats some sad AM BS.

Edited by eldritch

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Please be mature players! You were dropped from the clan for harrassment, Racism, and other shenanigans (Which i wont say)! Im sorry you are very upset about this but its just a game so let it go and move on =D

Kind Regards, Ves

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I was dropped for harrassment, Racism, and other shenanigans?

I was under the impression that two of my squad members went to pick your squad up in OUR helicopter, and then you murdered them and stole our heli and we got banned for that...?

Who was I harassing or being racist toward? I hardly interacted with anyone outside my squad at all.

Edited by eldritch

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I was dropped for harrassment, Racism, and other shenanigans?

I was under the impression that two of my squad members went to pick your squad up in OUR helicopter, and then you murdered them and stole our heli and we got banned for that...?

Who was I harassing or being racist toward? I hardly interacted with anyone outside my squad at all.

I did not say "You" Eldritch you know for a fact ive never had a beef with you nor am i a bad guy i was addressing those that were dropped from clan and are mad about it! Its as simple as that i dont want fights going on or flaming thats why these certain people were dropped in the first place among other things.

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No more replying to these troll posts! If they actually had proof to backup their claims, they would have taken it up with server abuse. However, there is none!

As everyone can see, these ex-members were removed from our clan for the IMMATURE behavior that they present right here. They think that spewing out false claims hurts the clan, but, in reality, it is showing their true colors.

This is a clan recruitment thread. If you have a problem, post about it elsewhere with actual PROOF

*Edit: Thanks for bumping the thread though! I really appreciate it!

Edited by Omnishift

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No more replying to these troll posts! If they actually had proof to backup their claims, they would have taken it up with server abuse. However, there is none!

As everyone can see, these ex-members were removed from our clan for the IMMATURE behavior that they present right here. They think that spewing out false claims hurts the clan, but, in reality, it is showing their true colors.

This is a clan recruitment thread. If you have a problem, post about it elsewhere with actual PROOF

LoL. Have you even read the posts by your own members? You know. Those guys yelling fun stuff like "blithering twat!", 'get the fuck over yourselves!", and "Teleport hacker!"

We made valid claims and you responded with idiocy and the occasional polite request to 'stop it'.

Edit: And if you have as I suspect(and hope) banned our whole clan from your server, it will be taken up with server abuse.

Edit2: And if you havn't, please enable kill messages on your server.


Edit3: Wow. Ban us from the server because none of you are good enough to PVP against us? Awesome move. You've just solidly established how weaksauce your clan really is. Have fun hanging out in your tent city dupe factory hidden on an empty server.

Server reported. Hope you get blacklisted.

Edited by eldritch

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The QQ is strong with these guys. But in all reality.... There is no proof of abuse. Just children ranting on the internet giving themselves the false hope that people actually give their childish rants a 2nd thought... Oh wait.... Nobody does... You were either hacking or a member of the squad that was hacking. The zero tolerance policy therefore says GOODBYE and GOOD RIDDANCE. Anybody inspecting our server will see it fully populated during peak hours and pvp taking place all over the map. Our admins strive to ensure the damage caused by hackers/scripters is kept to a minimum so any player on our server... be it clan member or a pubber... can enjoy the game as it should be. BULLSHIT FREE.

What do you guys do??? Moan and groan on somebodys recruitment thread because you were caught doing shady things. Until you have some big kid comments and proof all I can do is sit and shake my head as I watch you make fools of yourselves in front of the DayZ forum community.

edit - You were malicious in teamspeak when we announced Delta Squad was being dissolved for scripting/hacking. After the TS ban you continued to find any venue possible to contact and harass us with malicious words and threats of violence in real life. Hunting us down in game has nothing to do with your bans. Your behavior and vocabulary in and out of the game would be the cause. Feel free to inspect the rights admins have and you will see that yes.... you were banned for a legit reason stated by the DayZ team. So my advice to all of you is to grow up and treat other people like human beings.... Maybe this incident will be the last.

Edited by urbanspcmn

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Just children ranting on the internet giving themselves the false hope that people actually give their childish rants a 2nd thought... Oh wait.... Nobody does...

You must care, judging by your prompt and timely responses. :D

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You must care, judging by your prompt and timely responses. :D

So you dont deny the accusations? You just try to troll me? I rest my case your honor.

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So you dont deny the accusations? You just try to troll me? I rest my case your honor.

Objection, your Honor, the question assumes facts not in evidence!

Edited by eldritch

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You know all i've seen this whole time is "stop being immature","take your problems else where".Its very easy for you to say those things cause your hiding in a shell.You steal someones clan.Have poor judgement skills.Use other peoples ideas and then kick them out.My favorite,you ban them from your server cause your actually scared of some pvp.Our problems are directly with you.false advertisements and quite simply plain out liars.Half the community will see our side and some wont,thats fine.You cant make a believer out of everyone.Those actual good players who we keep from here at least we saved one soul.



BTW again,Goodluck explaining to your server hosts that you banned us for nothing.We all have proof and pictures.

I believe i got kicked for being "Racist".LMAO.I work with every type of nationality.Def not racist.But i know who is

discriminatiing in your clan and sexist.

So pathetic. Stay in the UK dude. If you go to any other country theirs a shoot on sight policy inlisted on people like you.

That's the fagiest post i ever seen of this forum. If karma excised you would have never been born.

Why wont you kick him B) .I win.

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Oh, what fun. A bunch of fags crying about one fag banning another fag from a faggatory server.

Who wants popcorn! It's got extra butter and some nacho cheese!!!!

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You know all i've seen this whole time is "stop being immature","take your problems else where".Its very easy for you to say those things cause your hiding in a shell.You steal someones clan.Have poor judgement skills.Use other peoples ideas and then kick them out.My favorite,you ban them from your server cause your actually scared of some pvp.Our problems are directly with you.false advertisements and quite simply plain out liars.Half the community will see our side and some wont,thats fine.You cant make a believer out of everyone.Those actual good players who we keep from here at least we saved one soul.



BTW again,Goodluck explaining to your server hosts that you banned us for nothing.We all have proof and pictures.

I believe i got kicked for being "Racist".LMAO.I work with every type of nationality.Def not racist.But i know who is

discriminatiing in your clan and sexist.

Why wont you kick him B) .I win.

Anybody else laughing at this generic e-rage post as hard as I am?

edit - Nearly all your posts have relayed the exact same message.... Its like a broken record at this point. New material please. Its become quite stale.

Edited by urbanspcmn

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I dont need "new material" cause this isnt me making things up lol.If i made stuff up then sure.I'm just repeating this over and over cause you morons keep talking about how were immature etc.i'll say it with caps on,ill say it in a different language,then ill color the text,ill bold it out and ill keep saying it ROFL!.Truth is truth.Im not adding anything else to it cause this is what youve done.I can tell by laughing every 2 seconds on our posts that your mad its ok.It must suck being you guys,always getting camped,losing your choppers *ahem*.False banning cause your too scared.Can you please switch this recruit thread back to Survivors threads.your no bandits.

All you do is stockpile loot over and over duping.

And as for new material,why wont you say something besides AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH and immature.All ive heard from you kids.

How you like my new color,ready for the same material and truth over and over again ;)

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I dont need "new material" cause this isnt me making things up lol.If i made stuff up then sure.I'm just repeating this over and over cause you morons keep talking about how were immature etc.i'll say it with caps on,ill say it in a different language,then ill color the text,ill bold it out and ill keep saying it ROFL!.Truth is truth.Im not adding anything else to it cause this is what youve done.I can tell by laughing every 2 seconds on our posts that your mad its ok.It must suck being you guys,always getting camped,losing your choppers *ahem*.False banning cause your too scared.Can you please switch this recruit thread back to Survivors threads.your no bandits.

All you do is stockpile loot over and over duping.

And as for new material,why wont you say something besides AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH and immature.All ive heard from you kids.

How you like my new color,ready for the same material and truth over and over again ;)

Red text auto wins.... I have nothing....

edit - on a side note.... emoticons are auto win as well...

Edited by urbanspcmn

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Dude who are you?Like are nameless people in the clan/recruits really commenting with no idea what has been happening lmao.

Stay stockpiling/Duping Loot,all you guys do.

Btw.I Live in the U.S. *Pats you on head*

Even said it on my app before you guys stole the clan LOL :thumbsup: :D

Ah dude i've been in this clan since day 1 and i wass there for everything. I feel bad for the US to be honest.

I was their when you made about 100 raciest comments. You make me sick. We are all the same. You kid need to get a job and get a life. You need to get your teeth kicked in and learn some respect.

Edited by unitus77

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On what server is this going on? thinking about pulling out some popcorn and enjoy the fireworks if you dont mind :P

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