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[RECRUITING] Relentless

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Edited by Omnishift
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What's your clan tag? All your members seem to have empty brackets [ ] beside their name.

Good to see you've got a forum up! I'm looking forward to uploading screencaps of each time I kill one of you or grenade one of your camps! :D

edit: very nice recruitment thread!

Edited by eldritch

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Worst Alt F4, ghosting, noob clan ever. We can't even have a solid clan war with these asshats because everytime they hear a shot they abort to lobby.

Guess we'll keep raping your camps on 1569 till you all grow a pair and fight us...

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Worst Alt F4, ghosting, noob clan ever. We can't even have a solid clan war with these asshats because everytime they hear a shot they abort to lobby.

Guess we'll keep raping your camps on 1569 till you all grow a pair and fight us...

Coming from somebody whos in with a known hacker... ...... grow a pair... lmao....

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log back on altf4 nab, im waiting for you...but you wont, better swap to a different server and relocate

Doesnt matter if I do relocate. You will just teleport right to me again.... am i right.....

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lmao what ever you need to tell yourself man. We only rape you because we hack right? ;D

Your just garbage at pvp man, sorry....

log back in, were frapsin this round :D

Edited by eldritch

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log back on to your server chicken!

we'll upload the vid of us raping you and your camp last night, so you can see our 1337 h4x

Edited by eldritch

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Lol .. I just read that right?

"Relentless is a "no-bullshit" clan. We only accept moderate to high experienced players."

-Statement #1 is bullshit, Have the most shadiest people I've met in their "Whiskey" Squad.

-Statement #2. The only 2 good players in your group is uRBAN and Murphy .. Rest of you are trash players with no sense.

And I'm not saying this to get back at any of you (I'm doing it so people have a warning before you start backstabbing people). I could honestly care less what you guys did to "my" clan cause I got what I wanted from this :)

Expect to get sniped from my AS50.

Peace shady pplz <3

With Love


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Lets get this straight.you guys are no where near a clan.First you scapegoat SLD leader Kuya and STEAL all his members.You make a new clan with half if not more of the stuff i helped create including this name.You guys have no proper leadership at all.I ran a squad and then you guys throw me to a trial rank cause of a new member arguing with me lol.REALLY? Then you have the balls to try to confront me about it and you kids still wouldnt let me talk,you just banned me from teamspeak.This thread is false advertising.Only actual people there who are somewhat decent is Urban,SGT,Narwhal,and most of alpha.Rest of you have no clue about leading jack nada.You can reply with any type of attempt of insult i dont mind its fun.You guys arent bandits your survivors.4 days of just setting up camps stockpiling.glitching/stealing.Get real.Me and Kuya are coming for you better learn how to aim down the sights quick.

Former Deltas such as eldritch your more then welcome to meet join up and raid there stuff they deserve it.

Expect me to be spotting for Kuya sniping you kittens.

Expect a lot of raids.

And for christ sake hide your chopper better,alphas keep running into it :P

LAter :)

Edited by LSxShotz

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my resistance clan members you are trash but i do have to say your camp took me 8 of your grenades to destroy since it was so big and plus taking out your only car felt so good too, i hope we meet again, BigDavethePilot

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I've lost all hope in Eldiritch and KuyA and mainly Shots.

All of the bullshit you've posted here just shows how mentally far gone you all are. It's not even a video game to you fools anymore, it's like some personal vendetta that you'll try and carry out to your dying breath. I'm so disappointed in you Shots, I really thought you were more mature than this.

If any of you have any sense left then get the fuck over yourselves.

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I've lost all hope in Eldiritch and KuyA and mainly Shots.

All of the bullshit you've posted here just shows how mentally far gone you all are. It's not even a video game to you fools anymore, it's like some personal vendetta that you'll try and carry out to your dying breath. I'm so disappointed in you Shots, I really thought you were more mature than this.

If any of you have any sense left then get the fuck over yourselves.

Can't have PVP in the server?

You posted this in Bandit Campfire.

And your thoughts about me effect me none.


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Can't have PVP in the server?

You posted this in Bandit Campfire.

And your thoughts about me effect me none.


I'm surprised they don't considering how much of a blithering twat you are, taking some stupid squabble on the internet to the extreme.

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I'm surprised they don't considering how much of a blithering twat you are, taking some stupid squabble on the internet to the extreme.

Why so mad bro? It's just a game, chill out.

Edit: Also, forum posts are 'taking it to the extreme' ?? You must live an exciting life ;)

Edited by eldritch

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I'm surprised they don't considering how much of a blithering twat you are, taking some stupid squabble on the internet to the extreme.

What have I done? lol I'm just playing the game :P .. Calm down there buddy.

You will get my sniper soon enough <3

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I've lost all hope in Eldiritch and KuyA and mainly Shots.

All of the bullshit you've posted here just shows how mentally far gone you all are. It's not even a video game to you fools anymore, it's like some personal vendetta that you'll try and carry out to your dying breath. I'm so disappointed in you Shots, I really thought you were more mature than this.

If any of you have any sense left then get the fuck over yourselves.

That's the joy of this game. It is what you make of it. First it was about surviving, then it was about finding vehicles, then PVP, and now it's about destroying your clan.

All good fun man. Don't get butthurt over the metagaming.

Edited by eldritch

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