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you have been kicked help

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me and my friend are trying to play together at first we both installed arma 2 and arrow head from the same steam account it kicks us when we join the same game so my friend bought the game he uninstalled all the files went to control panel uninstalled arma 2 and arrow head and it still does the same thing my friend is afraid he just wasted 30$ help please !!! D:

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This is because you are trying to both use the same cd key to play. Its like every character the cd key is unique to them. so if you use the same game without two different cd keys it is practically the same person trying to log onto a server twice... which essentially means one of you gets kicked.. as you can't log in twice. to join the same lobby you need to purchase another arma 2 so that you both have different cd keys for the individual charcters.

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