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US 1345 everyone died

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Me and my buddies were at prigidorky and all of a sudden we were all in the ocean for a split second and than died... It was such bullshit, afterwards we were all kicked from the game, not sure if it was an admin or what, ended up respawning getting kicked, spawned unconcious, found my shit and what not but i couldnt get my ghillie off my body so its guna be fun finding another one >.> so far ive only died from snipers or hackers getting on my nerves

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Instead of whining like an idiot, want to give me some proof?

Also, want to find out what admins can and cannot do?

Edited by KING CHAZ

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Instead of whining like an idiot, want to give me some proof?

Also, want to find out what admins can and cannot do?

Just coming here and noticed this ironic thread.

You just killed three of us with hacks after we killed you naturally and wanted to try out the exciting helicopter you scripted in.

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Instead of just blaming the admin, can you get me the GUID of the person and proof of what they did so I canban them?

Edited by KING CHAZ

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Instead of just blaming me, can you get me the GUID of the person who killed you so I can actually ban them?

I'll take a look.

But can you confirm that you were killed after getting out of your helicopter?

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I actually haven't been on my server yet today, hence why I am eagerly await proof of what I did.

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I actually haven't been on my server yet today, hence why I am eagerly await proof of what I did.

Who is "OVERLORD CHAZ" then?

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Instead of whining like an idiot, want to give me some proof?

Also, want to find out what admins can and cannot do?

the server logs are good enough. . .

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Considering my name as "King Chaz" has been in the MOTD since I bought the server, it would be best to provide some proof.

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Considering my name as "King Chaz" has been in the MOTD since I bought the server, it would be best to provide some proof.

You've got quite the setup.

Your own server, using hacks and scripts under "OVERLORD CHAZ", and then switching to "KING CHAZ" to follow your forum username to cover things up. And then simply brush everything off using the "admins don't have these powers" argument. Sure, they don't. But that doesn't mean they cannot use hacks or scripts. I mean, hey, you can't ban the admin can you?

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My favorite part about this is how you continue to accuse me, while at the same time, continue to provide no proof and more accusations.


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Does this not help? Maybe a


All of this evidence continues to show continued admin abuse.

You actually show up in one of those videos under [YOLO]CHAZ. That would explain your signature on an old forum account. You are (or were?) an administrator of "Chicago 628 - YOLOGAMING" I wonder why you got a new one?

Additionally, the video's MOTD IS "Welcome to BIGDICKGAMING". As of this post, the server's MOTD is still "Welcome to BIGDICKGAMING".

This information, on top of the fact that earlier this evening I killed "OVERLORD CHAZ" and took his perfectly clean helicopter and was later ripped of my gun and inventory, and instantly killed next to the helicopter.


Edited by cralor

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Instead of whining like an idiot, want to give me some proof?

Also, want to find out what admins can and cannot do?

well they aren't allowed to lock their servers, so enjoy your blacklist when the time comes.


let me guess, you need more proof since this guy may have photoshopped?


is that enough proof or will you try to argue a conspiracy against you now?

looks to me like you and some buddies want to stock up on the best gear, find some choppers, then open the server back up. things were going smooth til others showed up and you kicked them repeatedly trying to discourage them connecting, but they kept coming. so you locked the server, and now you are busted so take it like a man.

aint that a bitch.


Edited by -Evo
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-Evo, go read the other thread before posting random grool in here.

Cralor, accused admin abuse is on a completely different level than hacking your gear and then killing you.

Still can't wait for proof of hacking.

Also, if you continue to actually look at the MOTD, the following things are listed.


2. Paid for by KING CHAZ

3. Lemistio is an infinite goober.

4. Degan has 43 Chromosomes.



Edited by KING CHAZ

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only thing i'm accusing you of is locking your server.

that's it, and that's a blacklistable offense. i've read 3 threads now complaining about your server. how many more do i need to read? you had multiple unique forum accounts complain about the locking.

i see since then you have unlocked it again, probably a smart move.

Edited by -Evo

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All I continue to see in this thread are accusations and misdirection.

Probably should get locked until someone can provide actual proof of hacking. (which I would also appreciate in order to ban the scripter)

Edited by KING CHAZ

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no need to go and flame at me king, the game is pretty much broke with every server infected with hackers, the prism shit where u cant see a fuckin thing in the towns and the long ass loading times, it really is sad because the mod was very promising

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Theres no way i could have recorded it because death was instant on EVERYBODY. The fact is your servers a joke, just like many others, your just another troll that shouldnt have any right to be owning a server.

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Same just happened to me on US 1345. Coincidence? Just minding my own business running on a nowhere road in the north, after 12 hours on my character, and having some decent shit collected (all the essential tools, M9, Kobra,) Instantly teleported to beach, dead.

Logged back in, but got stuck at "Loading" , most people were also gone (kicked/killed). IF it's the admin, please fuck off...if not, fuckoff anyway whoever you are. School starts soon for you.

Edited by taco241

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ya this mod is terrible.. to be honost i stopped playing after 3 days of getting masskilled/thunderdomed/whatever. Game is terrible when are they gonna address the hacks/cheats.

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Nice post TheL337x

Contributing memmber of the community.

That shit stopped getting lols after the CS 1.6 days.

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