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Hackers can find out where Tents and cars are

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Hello Guys, tonight have we (i and my clan) find out a camp on the server

DE 300 Hamburg DayZCommander to join


Port: 10800

It was north of Kamenka on coordinates 004/131

There was 6 AS 50, 4 SVD Camo and more stuff

an UAZ, old Hatchback and a ATV

we have take the Hatchback and the ATV and our UAZ with all stuff

and opened our camp at the North of GUBA:

16500 meters from the camp of them!!!!!!

We drived with fullspeed on the streets to guba and 2 of us have watched at Krasnostav if someone comes behind us.

Then we changed server for taking our things on the DE 300 server.

This took time for about 30 min.

When we were back on DE 300 our cars where away (3).

And the tents were destroyed.

Some of the follow guys is the admin of this server too because he has banned our clan from it.

1. BA

2.Gangster shit


That was the only who were on server and they must have been 3 because of the cars.

I mean its imbossible that they have find the tents in 50 minutes from the whole camp of Dayz or ?

I cant make screens of there and our camp because i have been banned from this server -.-

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Yes they definitely can. Happened to us (we have our own server) these 3 russian guys who we owned on the NWAF somehow spawned WITHOUT BEING ON SERVER and i watched one of them run into what used to be their vehicle. I killed him again before he could drive off! We were miles and miles from the original incident and the one guy who came to get the old vehicle had no night vision and no "nothing" it was the dead of night and even with gamma up full it would have made no difference.

Completely impossible for him to get back to our camp after we killed him not giving our camp possition away but he would have had to walk over 10KM! IMPOSSIBLE!

Hacking needs to be taken seriously by the dev team, so far ive seen NO ACTION!


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Some Stories are really exciting...

At first i know one of the 3 Players you mentioned, but there where other Players online the whole evening.

One of the 3 Players you mentioned has his own Camp some meters away from your Camp and you know you can hear cars crawling through the woods.

But the biggest Question is how can you get 6 AS50 and more as you arent playing long on the Server? And that wasnt all they told me they have found in your Camp.

And because saving tents isnt possible on the Server for the Moment you had to put that in the last Ours. There are no Heli Crashes on it for the Moment. With Luck one!

But you have out of the Box 6 AS50 great...and 30 Nato Ammo Packs :>

Stop whining and Dupe your Next Camp but not on our Server!

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Are you stupid ? i have Said in the topic that the 6 as 50 And more are ALL in the north of kamenka At the coordinates i Have writen in the topic first read what I have writen.

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Its not ok if this ones from them I stealed something are in 50 minutes at our camp that is 16500 meters away and steal everything back

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Yes i got the notice of [soD] Duping the hell out of Gear and have 4 SVD Camo and 6 AS 50 and lots of Ammunition for all of them. As i said ill check the other things tomorrow.

For the moment you have posted Names of Players and Coordinates of a Camp.

So i can say [soD] s are Duping Guys when you have them on your Server be careful. Think about it to not post names and change that so i can change your Clantag...

so far...

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If I should explain the situation a bit better you will understand everything.we can talk tomorrow my skype is michaaahaha

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You can write me a PM cause this way i have cleared another cool story with another One. Please use that because i dont want to have more Questions about "can you give me a car or can you spawn me somewhere, from players..." Gern auch in deutscher Sprache :>

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