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Six Updater Error..

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Well, after buying/downloading the ArmA2 Combined Operations package on steam, i played both for a bit then attempted to download six updater/launcher. It came up with an error that said :CLR 80004005. The program will now terminate. I've looked across the Six Updater forums for solutions but none came up that worked for me. Did anyone have the same problem or a similar one that could shed some light on the situation?

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After aprox 5 secs on google i find this : "Make sure that win98 compatibility is unchecked. To verify, on the PC that gives you the error, right-click on the application icon and uncheck the option of "Run this Program in compatibility mode." "


Jesus you're not new to the internet aswell are you?

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no lul, i guess i just clicked on everything but the right thing. doing this now

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yea that didn't work either, neither of them had the compatibility option checked in the first place..

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I've been helping ayeimsean, and we already done that sgt.asshat, As well as removing framework and re-installing it. Ran everything as admin, Verified the files through steam. Practically we tried everything.

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I have no idea what to do when trying to drag or anything of that sort of thing.

Everything got done, but like on the first screenie, i don't see anything on the left side, and cant get anything over on either side. let the addon show up.

Edited by ayeimsean

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Am i able to use steam through that?

Not sure but i don't think so, but it makes handling mods/addons for dayz easy.

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Not sure but i don't think so, but it makes handling mods/addons for dayz easy.

Yeah , I like it so far. Thanks man

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