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The new golden rule, Don't trust anyone?

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Video says it all really ! Name and shame - '' Karontelli ''

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You fucked up sir OK never turn your back to the guy your with.

Hide and then chat.

Last but not least if he says good then thats the cue that "hey i'm going to take this and KILL YOU!"

I would have merely said there's some hatchets and placed the Winchester in my bag and consumed it due to the bag glitch. But all in all how could you have know he would be an ass-hat? And bandits arent shamed half of the community is bandits soooooo dont jusdge all on ones actions.

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To be completely honest, if I was in his shoes I would have done the same. I've been looking for that damn sniper rifle for so long.

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wow...yup, name says it all; what an ass-hat.

Edited by trylan

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So your an idiot for trusting somebody random and a bigger idiot for posting it for all to see? Thats what I get from the video.........

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.....that's why you never travel with people who don't have microphones....

lol i dont have a mic for my comp and i wouldnt shoot someone that helped me find a gun and gave me food. I just use chat and salute ppl when i see them, but that sometimes gets me shot :/

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I had a feeling he was gonna kill you when watching. If you help someone, help them and as soon as they have a gun, part ways.

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Well in all fairness and with me being a big fan of the deathmatch type gameplay ... this style of playing is fucking retarded. I personally don't care about anyone i meet and will instantly try to kill them, armed or unarmed (so does every single one of my friends - we do play in a group most of the time) but that was just rotten and pointless. That's not PVP, that's just lame as hell.

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You fucked up sir OK never turn your back to the guy your with.

Hide and then chat.

Last but not least if he says good then thats the cue that "hey i'm going to take this and KILL YOU!"

I would have merely said there's some hatchets and placed the Winchester in my bag and consumed it due to the bag glitch. But all in all how could you have know he would be an ass-hat? And bandits arent shamed half of the community is bandits soooooo dont jusdge all on ones actions.

It's funny I see so many threads on here about bandits ruining the game, yet I get so much abuse for going against the grain and trying to help a guy out. From now on I will never let anyone away I will kill everything in my sights :) Lesson has 100% been learned ! haha

To be completely honest, if I was in his shoes I would have done the same. I've been looking for that damn sniper rifle for so long.

This was the second one I had found both times I found it was in the the barn north of cherno..

.....that's why you never travel with people who don't have microphones....

I don't have a mic , the guy said over the voice chat to me 'friendly , friendly , I just spawned ! ' we were just off cap golova so I didn't question it, me being to gullable! Edited by Ben2904

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