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Shot leaving Balota airstrip... then dragged still alive into the woods.

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So I was running towards cherno, annoyed I didn't find anything at the airstrip or tents when I hear a shot crack past. Lee enfield I thought, make it hard to hit me. Immediately I broke into a sprint and started to zig zag but after half a dozen shots I got put down, still alive and on low hp. "Great" I thought, here comes the kill shot..... But it never came. Just as I thought she was going to leave me to bleed out I start getting dragged towards the north treeline. At this point I didn't know what was going to happen to me, I can only assume that she thought i was dead and was removing the body for the next chump to murder. I woke up with 1k blood and was still bleeding. When I turned around I see a female character aiming away from me looking for her next target.

With 1 k blood, no bandage and still bleeding I thought, "I'll show you!". I snuck up behind her and looked in her backpack. Unfortunately there was only heaps of morphine, food and drink. I grabbed everything and started eating saying " Hey I'm not dead, now I'm eating all your food what do you think about that?" A mag of 1911 made his mood pretty clear, but then he had to brave chero for food, drinks and morphine. :)

Felt very deliverance when I was being dragged though...no idea what was going to happen to me.

Damn this game is fun sometimes.

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What fun? That sounds awful... I mean come on. How dare somebody shoot somebody in this game. He killed an unarmed man. What a pussy. I bet I could beat him in an arm wrestling match in real life. Seriously some kids just have no life. I mean, why is pvp even in this game? It's so dumb. Think about the possibility of not worrying about pvp! You could have made it to cherno, got look, and ran around the whole map collecting loot... to....to... uhhhh.... have?

**trolling aside, cool story. Next time I know a guy unconscious I'll drag him around. Beans for no D/C

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