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Seeking U.S Players to play with, tired of playing alone.

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As title says it, been playing alone and it sucks. Looking for someone to team up/kill other players with! I'm 23 located in california and I just got the game yesterday. Please be 18 years+

leave a message here if interested!

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I'll help you get started. I have vent.

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Last guy I tried to work with attacked my 4 buddies while in a skype call. I wouldn't suggest finding anyone on here, as its turned into a deathmatch in game... The first time your truly betrayed, you'll think twice about wanting to play anymore... Lol, before i met up with friends, I was shot in the back after healing and giving blood to someone. He traveled with me for 10 minutes and was going to join up with us, he was already in our skype call...Now, I play with ppl I know, and YELL at anyone I see in game to back off or they get shot... I'm still not a killer, but I won't help anyone...

Just some random advice lol. You may find someone cool, so good luck!

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May I ask why are you looking for 18+ players?

I'm 16 and I really need someone to play with

cause usually younger people are annoying;/

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cause usually younger people are annoying;/

unfortunately hes right :/ tho some are different but most are just big babies...

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