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Henrique and BR4z1L14N

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Congrats on being terrible at Dayz! So apparently the server we were playing on just got vehicles because we found ALOT, so we were in the process of fixing up an offroad truck that spawned right where another had been, which one of us took an hour before. So first Henrique backs out whilst my friend is shooting at him and Brazilian kills my friend, then i go see whats up and i shoot a few m107 pot shots and notice a guy (not sure if eather had backed out at that point, but wouldnt doubt it), so he starts shooting at me and i quickly run to reposition. After about 10 minuts im set in place and theyre toying withe truck, crawling around, i kill henrique before he can back out again. Brazilian quickly aborted, i figured hed be comeing up behind me so i repositioned once more. After about 15 minuts of waiting i see the silhouette of a man in the distance, it was brazilian, back scoping the SUV (as if im that big of a donkey). I hesitantly take a shot while he is walking because I could not wait for him to be dead, ofcourse i miss and he backs out once again. After about 30 minutes i know they are not comeing back.

I tip my hat to the man who kills BR4z1L14N, i know you probably wont read this, but atleast i know it WILL happen. And Henrique, i hope you learn to out of the game once you alt f4.

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