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5 People squad - 2 needed

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Me and my friend need 2 more person to make a team with. You need a mic and its best if you live in the u.s

We are tactical players

Players with weapons - Plan it out.

Players with Hatchets - Ask them to put it down (warn) if not kill.

Players with no weapons - Stalk them a little, if not dangerous let them live.

always crouch do not get detected by zombies or try not to.

leave your Skype or steam down in the comments if you are interested.

Edited by isaywhut

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Hey I'll join you guys.

Steam: killerdwarf15

If you need to use skype let me know and ill make a user name

Make a skype and tell me what it is ill ad you.

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Hey, I'd love to have some people to play with in DayZ. I had a group of RL friends that I used to play with, but they all quit :\

Steam: LameSaint

Skype: LameSaint00

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