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Limiting Loot on Low Servers.

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Sorry if this has been brought up, I searched only quickly and didn't find anything.

A few friends of mine had the idea that only servers with a certain amt of people spawn the good/rare loot.

Like, there needs to be 20(or whatever #) people to spawn Heli Crashes or Loot in barracks and so forth.

This will prevent people from finding low servers and bum rushing the good stuff. It will also prevent admins and servers from locking out people and cleaning house because theres no point now (can do all vehicles as well)

Again, if this is redundant, lock the shit out of this thread or delete it. But I didn't have time to do an intense search of the suggestion box.

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I would say yes to no crash sites or vehicle spawns, however since the loot in the barracks does respawn regularly, it shouldn't be affected, except for maybe just lowered drop rates on gear like NVGs.

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I like the fact that it would make higher risk = higher reward. However NVGs and other rare items drop at such a low % it would make searching for them almost not worth the effort. Also if only the high populated servers had the good gear, then there would be bandits everywhere taking advantage of the newbies, and camping the barracks and other sweet spots.

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If someone wants to play in peace in a low server, so be it. Who cares, they're alone there

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Theres good and bad with all decisions/changes. I think the good far out-way the bad on this.

Just ideas.

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