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Ghosts (DayZ)

My server is up! Read please!

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Hi my name is Ghost. I am wanting players to join my server and to have a good time!

I am also asking for donations for the server as well.

It cost me at the moment $30 a month to run it.

I know....That is a low price and why should we donate?

Because I want to make it better.

Right now I host a 40 slot server.

I want to host a larger server and even upgrade the server itself!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or donations, please pm me or comment below!

Thank you very much!

Name:DayZ - US 1424 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95389) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by GhostMap:ChernarusGame Type:DAYZPlayers:/40



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Do you plan on keeping the server up for the next few months? My group of friends and I are looking for a new server to play on since the last few we have made camps at have gone down.

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Do you plan on keeping the server up for the next few months? My group of friends and I are looking for a new server to play on since the last few we have made camps at have gone down.

Ill keep it up. Though donations will help keep it for a longer time!

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