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Please Rocket, turn on "Who killed who"

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As the thread title suggests, this is a request to turn on the *player* was killed by *player* to make banning hackers so much easier than having to sift through hundreds of MBytes of game logs searching for shit I can't begin to understand.

As a server admin, I can't do anything about hackers at the moment, and people are quitting left right and centre. The guy who pays for the server has stated that this is his last month of hosting it because we as admins can't do anything about the hacking problems.

If we could see who just killed 20 people one after the other, then banning them would be so much quicker and easier to do, and people could get on with playing the game. Instead we're forced to shut the server down and change its name every half hour. It's fucking stupid.

I've seen *player* was killed by *player* (Friendly fire) a few times, unsure if this is a bug or not, but that sort of thing would be ideal. I can't see how hard it would be to put into the game. This would do until BE sorts its shit out and the hacking situation is resolved.

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AFAIK the (Friendly Fire) messages show up when someone shoots a person while he is still loading into the world and not yet controllable.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:56 PM, TractorFiend said:

As a server admin, I can't do anything about hackers at the moment, and people are quitting left right and centre. The guy who pays for the server has stated that this is his last month of hosting it because we as admins can't do anything about the hacking problems.

sounds like the owner needs better admins who understands logs.

Edited by zenatsu
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Names aren't unique. Hackers will just start changing their names to match a name of someone else on the server, or the admin, or a blank space or whatever.

Kill messages won't fix hackers.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:56 PM, TractorFiend said:

As a server admin, I can't do anything about hackers at the moment

Well this is just wrong. Between the scripts.log and the OAserver log file it is very easy to spot hackers. the scripts log will straight up show the gerk script being loaded with all the playerkill/teleport etc commands. In the oaserver you can see peoples inventories and with basic sleuthing its not hard to spot obvious hackers.

Showing who killed who in game is a bad idea and will probably never be added. That woudl basically be the same thing as having bandit skins again, it gives away legit players too much.

Having it shown in server logs? Maybe thats still succeptable to admin abuse and in reality what needs to be fixed is the hacking itself, which is an issue that BattleEye needs to fix which for that matter, the who killed who is an Arma2 thing as well.

Edited by Puka
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I'd like to just put in my 2 cents.

I'd prefer it if the player death messages (and murders on the debug monitor) were turned off entirely. Adds another depth to the game...confirming your kills.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 8:02 PM, zenatsu said:

sounds like the owner needs better admins who understands logs.

Maybe there should be instructions on reading these logs that aren't in gibberish, so that normal people who have jobs etc, can actually use them. I'm one of the good guys here, I'm trying to stop hackers. No need to be a cunt about it.

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in the current game i would agree as the devs are still trying to figure a way to fix hacks and exploits. However, for a live game i dont think thats a good idea

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How about hackers that simply teleport people into mid-air? They would kill people en masse, but would never get friendly fire for it.

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