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Question regarding knee-high grass/brush

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At about 70-100m out my game no longer renders grass/brush, if I am prone laying in the grass will it offer me any cover from another player who is far away from me and cannot see this grass/brush?

Edit: Might as well add this here too, how much more effective is prone crawling when compared to slow crouch-walking?

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The grass will unfortunatelly not offer any concealment from other human players. It's invisible for the other player but I think at a certain distance your body will sink a bit into the ground (from the other persons perspective), helping to conceal it a bit better.

Edit: With regards to zombies it is alot more effective and allows you to get within in a few meters/feet without beeing detected. It is advisable to use it in heavily invested areas. Another benefit is that there doesn't seem to be any difference in the ammount of noise you do if you move slowly or fast in prone. However going fast or slow in crouch will increase the noice emmited by your footsteps and the hight of your siluette.

For humans it will also be harder to make out a proned player than it is to recognise a crouched siluette.

I hope this answers your question.

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The grass will unfortunatelly not offer any concealment from other human players. It's invisible for the other player but I think at a certain distance your body will sink a bit into the ground (from the other persons perspective)' date=' helping to conceal it a bit better.


Much appreciated.

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