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Infinitely long loading screen..

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Ever since a couple days ago I have been unable to connect to any server. I have tried logging onto many different servers but continue to get stuck at the black loading screen of death. The game loads everything fine prior to the black loading screen, such as "receiving" or "waiting for character to create" but when it hits the second "loading.." the game does not continue loading me into the server, any ideas on what may be causing this problem? Everything is up to date as far as I know, I'm just confused on why I'm all of the sudden getting this problem.. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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" Everything is up to date as far as I know "

MAke sure what game version and what mod version ARMA has loaded by looking in ARMA, down right corner in window before multiplayer....

Make sure to connect to servers with same level of versions your client have.

Edited by Drogur

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I am almost having this exact same problem and nothing has changed on my computer except updating to the latest versions of DayZ and the game mode is perfect as is the server i am joining...

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I ran the game through the six launcher which removed my issue, so for all those also having this problem try that and see if it works.! (:

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I updated the codes to fix this problem as there is a few new ones out. i do it manually though so i don't know about six launcher.

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