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Silly hackers :D

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okay so a few weeks ago my group disbanded and we all went our separate ways. The cool thing was is that we didnt destroy the camp we just left everything there for emergencies. Knowing that i decided to venture into the woods and visit the camp and this is what I come across...just a whole lot of fail hacking.

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Am i missing something?

They are hackers because they have good gear, while you appear to have 4 suits in your backpack and a camp stacked with tents full of guns...


Seems like a group failed a landing to me...

Edited by Silentdeathz
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NOt sure if any hacking was going on here..

Looks like a legit heli crash with four well geared guyz.. Look how much gear your crew amassed without cheating, remeber it is VERY doable. Three weeks of heli crashes, barrack runs and camp raiding will leave any decent crew rolling HARD.

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Sorry for the double post, but nothing in that video indicates anything is hacked, as far as I can tell.

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I didnt get this in the video clip when i recorded it. The few dead bodies that i couldnt access for some reason were just chilling there right? well i went on the morning after and i was able to access them...i managed to find a g36 silenced mag on him...sooo i believe that indicates hacks and on top of it all the server hasnt been updated to the newest update which has helicopters back in...so it was hacked. sorry for not clearing that up sooner!

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